Chapter 1 : Just a normal day

Start from the beginning

I lay there as he walked away from me and went upstairs the minute I heard the shower on the got up and dusted myself off I refuse to cry I walk into the kitchen and quiet down the twins

" is sissy okay " Lexi cried as I was getting her out of the high chair

" ya sissy is fine Lex " I say placing her on my hip as I picked up Levi and placed him on the opposite one walking out of the house

I grabbed my keys and walked to the bus stop

Ring Ring Ring

I placed the twins down and picked up the phone it was Steph

" WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU IVE BEEN WAITING FOR 30 MINUTES BELLA WHAT THE HECK " I could tell she was pissed but as long as she didn't call me my full name I wasn't in the bad books

" my dad came home earlier than expected I'm so sorry I've the twins with me aswell do you mind if we drop them off at preschool before going to Wild Tide " I ask practically begging she would say ya

" are you okay I'm sorry I snapped I'm just in a bad mood and ya that's perfect we've an hour and a half anyway so I say we can still go get a coffee " she stated as the bus came to a stop I grabbed the twins hands and we walked off the bus

As we were walking to the nearest cafe a black Mercedes-Benz C63s pulled up and Steph came out and squatted down to the twins height the twins immediately ran to her giving her a massive hug

The twins love Steph she's been my rock when it comes to taking care of the twins

She watched as I looked at the car I've always had a passion when it comes to cars I would have went to engineering school but I had to look after the twins but I wouldn't change anything their my everything

Walking over to me Steph pulled me into a bone crushing hug " you smell like strawberries " she said and I just burst out laughing

I guess that's what I love about Steph her random ass comments but she knows how to put a smile on my face without even trying

I strapped the kids into the back and hopped into the front with Steph

" you didn't have to buy two car seats you know I hate when you spend money on us " I said with a huff as she took off

Steph comes from the high end side of town her mam has her own fashion line and her dad sells cars so they make a good amount of money

" would you stop Im aloud spoil them it's their birthday ina a couple months " she smiled she knows she won this time but knowing her she more than likely will get them more stuff in a couple weeks

We pulled up outside the preschool and I got the kids out and walked then in Lexi stayed behind my legs while Levi walked over to the sand box

" Hey your gonna be okay " I cooed into Lexi's ear and I crouched down and she snuggled into my shoulder

" what if they don't like me " she sniffled hiding into the crook of my neck I picked up her chin to make her look at me her hazel eyes were all puffy and I wiped them and sighed

"then I'll kick there butts and they would be crazy not to like you Lex " I smiled kissing her head

I looked around when I heard giggling to see Levi running at me catching me in a bone crushing hug making sure I fall back

" okay now sissy's gonna go but I'll be back later and take care of each other okay I love you both " I said kissing there heads as they both ran off with the other kids before I could leave there teacher Mrs Harrison came up to me

" are you Mrs River Lexi and Levi's mom? " she questioned

" no I'm there sister but I'll be picking them up and dropping them off it's nice to meet you " I stated as I shook her hand she smiled at me

" okay thanks great I'll see you at 2:30 " she said before walking away

I walked out to the Mercedes and hoped in as Steph sped off

" so how did they get on? Shed any tears? " she asked while coming to a stop

" ya a few from Lex but Lee was good " I said looking out the window as the car started back up

" they'll be fine stop worrying we're gonna get breakfast before we go to the bar so what do you want it's on me " she said pulling up to Starbucks

" tea and a breakfast roll with everything "  I smiled wildly at her as she rolled down the window we pulled up to the drive through and she ordered our food

" Are you nervous about the job " she asked as we waited

" to be honest ya what if I'm not the right type of girl they want for bar tending " I sighed as I looked in her direction she sniggered

" sure if the bar tending doesn't work out you can be a stripper with me didn't you take pole dancing classes too " she smiled widely earning a glare from me

" that was like two years ago and I only took them because we were 18 and needed a hobby " I laughed thinking back at the memory

" if I can recall correctly you were actually good " she said taking out her phone showing me a video my eyes went wide in shock

I tried to snatch the phone from her our order was called and she put the phone back in her pocket

" I can't believe you right now " I pouted as we collected our order

" yanno if you weren't paying for food I'd whip your ass " I continued

" oh I know you would " she smiled remembering all the times I'd get into fights in school

" hey in all fairness I've calmed down a lot " I boasted

" ya but you still have a short temper " she stated pulling into a empty parking lot so we could eat

" true " I said taking a bit of my breakfast roll I let out a moan

" this is so good we need get this more often " I said taking a sip of my coffee

" ya I could tell now eat quick or we're gonna be late we've to be there in 20 " she said chomping into her chocolate croissant

Five minutes later we pulled up ready for our new job as we pulled up we seen a load of girls waiting outside

They looked like hookers but I guess you had to dress the part I take in my outfit and try not to overthink I looked some what decent

Before getting out Steph grabbed my hand to face her and gave me the look as in to take my hair down

For some reason I always had my hair up but I had naturally wavy ginger hair which Steph always loved so I caved and let her fix it

i actually looked kinda pretty she passed me lip gloss and we got outta the car and walked up as we were entering the bar I took a breathe

" it's just a normal day " I repeated before putting on my game face

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