Part 2

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"He- he just went straight through Wild!" Wind yelped in surprise.

Time pondered for a moment. "Judging by Sky's current age and the state of Skyloft, I think we may have traveled to the past when Sky was a child."

"But that doesn't explain why nobody can see or feel us!" Four interjected. "I believe we are in fact witnessing his memories. Therefore we can't alter them and affect the present."

"Ughhhh," Legend growled, pressing a hand to his forehead. "I really hate this kind of crap."

"Same here," Twilight agreed. "It's too trippy."

Warriors pressed a finger to his chin eyebrows furrowed in thought.

"Where have I seen...? How could I have even...?" He murmured.

"Wars? What's up?" Wind asked as he watched his brother carefully.

Hyrule spun in a circle. "Uhhh... guys?! The place is changing!"

Warriors' eyes shot wide open when his ears picked up battle cries, clashing metal and storming feet. All breath escaped his lungs as he took in the disastrous state the floating island was now in. The forms of his men raced past and through him. Monsters swarmed everywhere. It all rushed back to Warriors' mind like a torrent.

Fluffy golden hair. Deep blue eyes. A small boy curled up in the corner of a wrecked house. The crimson staining the floor.

"No. No. No. It can't be right." Warriors chanted frantically under his breath.

"Warriors...?" Wind's worried voice shook as he grasped his friend's arms.

"What's going on?" Time glanced over at the duo in concern.

"No. No. No! It's impossible!" Warriors yelled tearing out of Wind's grip and sprinting down the path young Sky took to his house.

"Captain!" Time called as he chased after him.

Warriors charged through friends and foes as he navigated the way to the house. He heard the others calling after him, but he had to stay focused. He can't be late again. He won't.

At last he reached the door he recognized. He prayed to Hylia that he was wrong as he attempted to open the door.

His hand phased through the doorknob.

With a sigh, Warriors stepped through the door. His heart skipped a beat when he was greeted by the scene of a mother running desperately around the house for items to barricade the door.

It was the same house.


Little feet patted into the room.

"Where's Dad?" Little Sky asked in a small voice.

Warriors' heart sank as he witnessed the part of the story he had not seen.

"Mama?" The boy asked again, clinging to the woman's skirt.

"Come on sweetie." Came the reply.

Warriors sucked in a painful breath, knowing too well what that sentence meant. Hesitantly, he followed the mother and child to the back of the house. He watched as Sky's mother teased and tickled the boy's feet. He could feel the purity of the moment being oppressed by the darkness looming over the home.

Gazing SkywardTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang