24- The Iconic Color War

Start from the beginning

Do you truly know how much I detest you in this moment?

Don't act like you aren't actually pondering my words, Riddle the Fiddle!

No, actually, I'm pondering on how I can kill myself if I cannot touch anything.

No need to get so dark, Tomb Mar-churro Ridicule.

Why would I wish to murder Harry Potter when you're looking like a better option by the day?

Just as Rory was about to reply to his rather rude death threat, she was momentarily distracted by a beautiful clear voice.

"You do realize that we're supposed to be taking notes, right?"

Aurora didn't look up at her partner, only closed the black diary under the table. Tom must be throwing a party in there, she thought. "Are we really?" Said Aurora uninterestedly.

"Yes, as a matter of fact."

Aurora was putting the diary back into her black bag, still not looking up, she replied, "Well, that's just too bad. I accidentally left my textbook in my room, yanno, academics just isn't really my thi-"

She finally looked up and her cheeks immediately turned pink.

"-nking  back on it," she tried to save, "would you mind sharing your book? I love learning about the definitions behind spells! I'm craving to write notes, could I borrow a quill?"

Aurora didn't know why she just made a fool of herself, but she guessed that it had something to do with how the pretty Ravenclaw's hazel eyes shined in the morning light.

The stunning girl simply looked amused as she simply answered, "Sure." She even handed Rory some fancy quill before gently scooting her book towards the center of the desk workspace.

Rory scrambled to quickly take the quill, even though she was just using one of her own to write diary-Tom, only a few seconds ago. "I'm Aurora, by the way. Aurora Pink." She introduced smoothly, holding a hand out hopefully.

The beautiful, mysterious, Ravenclaw goddess eyed her pale hand for a moment, before politely shaking it. "Sasha Delacroix," She said pleasantly, before politely turning back to face Professor Merrythought.

As Aurora aimlessly wrote random facts about certain spells, that Merrythought wasn't even teaching about, her thoughts ran wild and her cheeks reddened. Sasha? That's a pretty name, did she think my name was pretty? I wonder if I was annoying? I probably was, knowing me. Damnit! Regardless, I'm gonna have to be much smoother. Wait— didn't Tom say you aren't supposed to like girls if your a girl? Well technically, he said that he didn't care but other people did. I wonder if she cares?

Throughout the rest of the long class, Aurora's thoughts never changed as she stole secret glances at the Ravenclaw, who was jotting down tidy notes in pretty handwriting. Once the bell rang, she sheepishly handed the girl's quill back.

Thinking on her feet, Aurora hurriedly spoke. "Hey, do you think you could, like, tutor me? In- in this class? Say, how about Wednesday in the library? You seem really, really smart," she sputtered to Sasha, who was casually packing away her school supplies.

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