Chapter 59

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Jeromes pov

I check myself out into the side mirror of my rented car. I push my hair to the side and jerk open the car door. I step out and slam it shut. I move quickly to the trunk of my vehicle and I grab my suitcase. Following that, I shut the trunk door and make my way to the front door to knock.

After three knocks, Rob answers, greeting me. "Ayeeee" he said in a happy tone. "Come on in!" Rob moved out of the way and gestured for me to come in. I accept and walk in. Preston walks into my view and pulls me into a hug. I hug him back.

"Been a long time." Preston said, taking my suitcase. "I'll take this to the guest room. You'll have to share with Mitch, I hope that's alright."

I chuckle. "Yeah it's alright." I glance around the room, looking for someone who usually always greets me first. I didn't see him so I asked Preston. "Where's Mitch?" I asked.

Preston looked at the ground and shuffled his weight. Rob moves his body in front of Preston, in a protective way. "Uh. He's in the, uh, guest room." Rob stuttered. "I'll take your suitcase and you can follow me there." Rob takes my large suitcase from Preston and turns towards the hall. We begin to march towards my best friend, Mitch.

I thank rob and he walks away slowly. I take my suitcase and opens the door. "Mitch!" I yelled. I see the back of Mitch's body as I set the suitcase against the wall. Mitch turns around to face me. He says his hellos but my mind wasn't focusing on his voice like it usually does. Instead, it focused on his tear streaked face which he was trying to cover up with his latest black and red checkered sweatshirt. I close the door slowly and sit into the bed next to him. "Mitch, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing." Mitch replied between sobs. He wiped his tears with his sleeve.

"You're lying. Tell me." I demanded. With that, he told me everything. I have no idea what's worse though, the problem or the fact that I couldn't do anything but stare.

I wanna end it here, but I owe you guys a long chapter, sooooo....

Mitch's pov

I told Jerome everything. When I say "everything", I mean everything. I confessed my attraction towards him. All he did was just sit in the edge of the bed and stared me, straight in the eyes.

"Jerome?" I repeated. It felt like hours. And for those "hours" he stared. He never spoke. "Say something Jerome?" I yelled. Tears fell down my face as I cried out for him. It was my mistake, I should have gave him space first. "Fine." I push myself off the bed and I walk toward the door. My crying was still steady, but my heart beat wasn't. It pitter patterned roughly. I open the door and turn around to glance at the friendship I ruined. I see a tear fall from Jerome's face as I leave the room.

I close the door behind me. I start to cry hysterically as my back leans against the wall. I fall and hug my knees.

This is long enough for me. Maybe another tomorrow or later? Idk

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