Make up or break up

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Hey babes new chapter and I will attempt to make this one at least 3000 words or more no less ok

Huey POV:

"Jazmine come here" I asked yelling for her from the living room. "Hold on I have to tuck Elijah in" she said back

About five minutes later she came downstairs and Ceaser and Janny arrived."Ok what do you need and be quiet Elijah's asleep" Jazmine said

"Yeah and hurry up we don't got all night" Janny said. Ceaser nodded in agreement. "Wait where's Cindy" Ceaser asked

"She's not coming" Janny said. "Why not" Jazmine said with an eyebrow raised. Janny shrugged. "It's ok we don't need her" I said

"I've got a plan on how to get Riley out of prison" I said "Ok tell me" Jazmine said

"First we go down to the police station and I create a distraction by pretending Jazmine ran me over with the car" I started

"Then when the camera crew and everyone is distracted on me Ceaser sneaks in one of the guards pocket and grabs the keys"

"Next the guards will bring Riley to the infirmary because he's "sick" and we will wait there"

"After that Ceaser will unlock the door to the infirmary and me and him will take out the guards"

" Riley will change clothes with on of the guards, we make him get some tattoos and take out his cornrows, and we will never call him by his name ever again"

"And then we convince him to move to New Mexico and change his name and we visit him on holidays and his birthday" I explained

"Are you sure about this Huey" Ceaser asked. I nodded "It sounds similar to your plan to get shabazz out of jail...but that plan failed" Jazmine told me

"First off that plan was perfect and foul proof second I was 10 and third that plan failed because I couldn't get a ride" I said plainly. Jazmine rolled her eyes

"This is called operation brother break out" I said everyone nodded "But I wanna pick the name" Jazmine pouted "No" I said coldly

"I wanna name it Jazmine Janny Huey and Ceaser's plan to free Riley because we miss him a lot" she told me

"Really Jazmine" I said sarcastically with my eyebrow raised. She nodded "I think we should call it operation Jailbreak" Ceaser said "No" I said back

"Oh how about operation Riley's escape" Janny told us. I sighed "No" I told her "We're calling it Operation brother break out and nothing else alright" I said frustrated. "Fine ok" everyone said

"I'm sure this plan will work Huey but you did explain this to Riley right" Ceaser asked. I told him everything in a letter that he got rid of...well he doesn't no about changing his appearance and moving" I told them

"Yeah he's gonna refuse Huey you no how stubborn he is" Jazmine told me "He's doing it anyway" I shot back "I forgot how stubborn you are to" Jazmine mumbled under her breath

"What?" I asked "nothing" she said "that's what I thought" I told her. She rolled her eyes

"I hate you Huey" Jazmine complained

"Sure you do" I told her

Riley POV:

After my shower (Riley got his own shower because he thought being with other men was gay and they allowed because he's famous)

I was escorted back to my cell yesterday Huey told me about his "plan" and I'm all for it as long as I'm out of dis dump

"3 weeks Damn feels like 3 months" I mumbled to myself. I sat on my bed and sighed while looking at the ceiling "Why..." I said to myself

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