Its us now

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Hey babes sorry for the late update

Cindy POV:

Riley hasn't been here in 4 days and I'm starting to get worried but I'm not trinna stress it's just been me and Angel for these last couple of days

"Waaaaaa" Angel cried "Ugh" I complained I g pulled my shirt down and began to breast feed her she immediately spit it up I sighed

After I cleaned up her mess I began to Brest feed her again she spit it out again while making a sour face I couldn't help but laugh

"You ain't no tittie sucka like yo daddy huh" I said giggling I made a formula and she chugged it down like it was chocolate milk

I sighed again "you remind me to much of to good fa nothin ass daddy"

Jazmine POV:

Im worried for my life why I have no idea Huey and Riley went to Chicago two days ago something about there parents grave and old house

It's a little quite since Elijah is at daycare and today I'm going to look for a new job maybe I should call Cindy

C: yo
J:hey cin wanna come with me on my job hunt
C:naw ion wanna be witcho uglahh...nah I'm fuckin witchu where you trinna work
J:Cynthia quit playing with me bitch but I wanna audition for the lead in one shots
C:first don't call me dat lame ass name and damn you trinna show out show out I got chu imma get cha when I drop Angel off by my cousin white ass
J: ok thanks and your white to Cindy
C: bitch you to and I'm Caucasian
J: white and Caucasian are the exact same thing and I'm mixed
C: well den shut yo lil half and half ass up imma get yo in 20 byeeeee
J: byeeeee

As soon as Cindy hung up I hopped in the shower for about 15 minutes I got dressed and began my hair and makeup routine I later heard the doorbell

I opened the door to see by ghetto wigga best friend "Hey Cindy I was thinking I should invite Janny to come with" I said with a smile "Yea dats coo den we can have a girls day afta yo audition" Cindy said I pulled out my phone and texted Janny

Text convo

Jazzy🥳💋:hey girl want 2come with me and C to my audition?
Janny🤪🥰:uh duh I just have to get Ceaser to watch the kids with his lazy ass
Janny🤪🥰:k see you in 5

End of text convo

"Ok Janny said she's coming in five that gives me enough time to finish my makeup" I said to Cindy "Ugh girl why do you have so many insecurities you look way better wit no make up and don't let no body tell you different"

Istarted tearing up remembering my first experience with makeup

Flashback Jazmine and Huey 14:

I'm in my bathroom washing my face Huey's waiting on me in my room after I wash my face and put a relaxer in my hair as I think about the senior girls at school (Huey and Jazmine were freshman)

"Look at her face she's so white but black"
"And that hair Ughh it's so ugly looks like a red birds nest"
"And she got to much cake to be white she's got a butt like that wannabe gangsta girl"

I sighed and went to my drawer to grab the makeup mom just brought me I grabbed what I think was concealer and followed the biracial girl off the YouTube video going step by step at what she does

I was all finished with the makeup and she showing me (not literally) how to put on some lashes


"Jazmine Hurry up we're going to be late for school"  Huey said from the other side "Oh..Uhh...don't come in" I said having trouble finding my words

"Jazmine what's wrong" Huey said suspiciously "nothing" I said quickly

Huey opened the door to find me with a face full of makeup and straight hair I immediately broke down

"Huey I'm sorry it's just..the..the girls at school make fun of me everyday either about how my hair is to poofy or that I'm to black to be white and they say I'm ugly every time I walk past or of them" I said with my face buried in my palms

Huey sighed "Jazmine look at you this is not the Jazmine I no you should be proud to be biracial and embrace your African heritage and you don't need makeup to make yourself beautiful every black girl of color thinks that but it's not true so next time those girls say something mean about you look them in the eye and tell them your proud of who you are" He lectured

I teared up more at his words he never said anything to me like that before "Hu..Huey do you think I'm pr..pretty" I said with my head down blushing

He also blushed and hesitated weather to answer or not "Yes I do" He finally said looking me in the eye and that's when I realized

That I'm in love with Huey Freeman

End of flashback

"Thank you Cindy I really needed that" I said wiping my tears I then went back to the bathroom and wiped off the makeup I put on before Cindy arrived

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