Kids am I right?

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Hey babes this chapter will be all of the kids POV's and how they are dealing with the current situation stay tooned

Maleah POV:

"Mommy and daddy!" I screamed from my bedroom I'm sick and they give me whatever I want

"Yes baby." Mommy said "I want some soup please" I said innocently batting my eyelashes she smiled

"Ok baby I'll be right back" she said then she walked out of my room then Michael my twin brother walked in

"Aye can I have that Barbie I need it for my prisoner" he asked

"No get out meanie" I told him sticking out my tongue "But I need her to be the commander's wife so he can rescue her from the government holding her hostage" he said

Mommy and daddy say that Michael is very smart for are age like are cousin Elijah and I should have never refused

He picked up my Barbie and ripped her head of "AHH Michael!" I rushed to him and smacked him in the face

He returned the hit by punching me in the mouth soon we were both on the ground fighting each other

Then daddy came in room "Kids!" He yelled we stoped and looked at him then mommy came "Mommy and Daddy Mikey hit me" Leah said

"Only because you hit me first"

"That's only because you ripped my Barbie's head of Uncle Huey gave it to me!"

"It wouldn't if you would have gave it to me"

"That's enough!" Mommy and Daddy said at the same time

"Mikey you don't break your sister's doll" Mommy said with her accent both me and her have it but hers is way stronger

"And Leah don't hit him like that tell us ok" daddy said in his accent that him and Mikey share it's kid of the same

"And absolutely no fighting!" They said in unison

"Ok mommy and Daddy" I said smiling mommy says my smile reminds her of daddy's

Daddy says Mikey's reminds him of Mommy

After everyone left my room I ate my soup and drifted of to a deep sleep

Angel POV:

It's cold all the time but not really. I miss the womb it was nice and warm and less noisy. This lady talks to me she has blonde hair and blue eyes

I'm darker than her slightly I'm also darker than the curly haired girl who took care of me she's pretty

I think the girl with blue eyes is my mother Cindy I like Cindy she's pretty

I wonder who my father is I heard mommy yelling one night at a person named Riley he yelled at Cindy to

After that I fell asleep to the yelling and never heard him since

Once me and mommy were at a bright place with food on shelves I wonder where

I lady came up to us and was talking to my mother. Soon after Cindy hit her and they took me from her

It was a long time before I saw her again to pass the time a poofy haired girl and a poofy haired boy took care of me

I think there names are Huey and Jazmine

I like them there nice Jazmine smells like strawberries and Huey held me at night when I cried

I got to see Cindy again and I was so happy to see her I love her and everything about her the way she talks, dresses, and looks

"Hey my baby wutchu doin" mommy said I starred at her and studied her outfit

Black baggy jeans over sized blood red hoodie blood red beanie that said thug life ( No she can't read she just no what it look like) in black letters and in a curvy writing and also some blood red shoes

She picked me up and I smelled her Vanilla she kissed my face all over and carried me downstairs

I can now sit but I need support for my back or I'll fall back

"I love you Angel" she said looking at me I felt the corners of my mouth turn up for the first time it felt good

Cindy gasped and smiled yeah that's the word smile

She took a picture and typed on her phone I smiled again but this time fully all I felt were my gums. She starred at me

"You have yo daddy smile"

Elijah POV:

"Elijah baby where are you" mommy called looking for me while we played hide and seek

I giggled as I went in the closet and waited

"Now where is my baby" she called walking into her room. I giggled again "Is he under the" she said

"What about in the toy" she said walking close to the closet

"What about the closet!" Mommy said swinging the closet door open making me laugh

"I knew I should have turned the lights off" I said as mommy picked me up and put me on her bed and tickling me

"Ahh hehe...mommy stop it AHH" I yelped

She stopped and smiled and I tried to catch my breath with a smile on my face as well. Then we heard a key turn knowing it was daddy

We ran out of there room and sat on the couch like nothing happened

Daddy doesn't like it when we play to much in the house especially if mommy does he said she to old for that.

"Hey Elijah hi Jazmine" daddy said

"Daddy!" I said running to him giving him a hug on his legs

He looked down and smirked while rubbing my back he then went over to mommy and gave her a kiss

"Ewww" I said scrunching up my face. Mommy giggled and daddy chuckled slightly. "Did you tell him" daddy asked mommy "No not yet" mommy said with a weak smile

I raised my eyebrow at them mommy laughed at me and touched my face "You look so much like Huey" she told me

I smiled at her and she took a deep breath

"Elijah I'm going to have another baby" she said with a bright smile on her face

"Yayy!" I said clapping my hands while bouncing in my spot trying to control my excitement

"Your happy about this aren't you" Daddy said. I nodded "Yes now I can have somebody to play with me all the time like you and uncle Riley did" I explained

"Daddy...did you and uncle Riley play with toys" I asked. He nodded

"Yeah all the time in Chicago" he said remaining his scowl and normal tone

"Really Huey you never told me that" mommy said smiling and raising as eyebrow

"I never told you a lot of things Jazmine" he said walking to his bedroom.

We followed him. This made me wonder a lot

When did mommy and daddy meet

What will being a big brother be like

Will the baby like me?

Heyy babes new chapter coming soon I told you I'll post today

Why  you left me a Boondocks fantic Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat