#Whip dat hoe ass

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Heyy babes look at the title it's a line from Cardi B's song Press it's one of my favorites

Cindy POV:

I'm shopping in Walmart and Angel decided today was da day ta show ha ass wit allat cryin

"Waaaaa" she screamed "Angel shut da fuck up" I told her she still cried "Ughh" I complained "Need any help" I Colombian lady told me "Uhh do I no you" I told her "Um no I just like helping people and I love kids so" she responded

"Uh yea I don't no how to get her to shut da fuck up" I said stressed This lady had a big ass and she had d cups gorgeous if you ask me and she looked all natural to

"It's normal for her to do this at her age how old is she a month old?" She questioned "Yeah how did you no" I said impressed "Well I told you I love kids I've been trying to have one but I keep have miscarriages" she said sadly

"Aww dats fucked up so what do you do to try" I asked "I've tried IVF's, sperm doner's, and Surrogates but they all failed

"Did you try being a hoe no offense" I asked being nosey she sighed "Yeah but some men don't want the child this guy Riley was a total jerk and a waste of time he used me for fresh pussy"

"That's so sa- wait did you say a guy named Riley" I asked she nodded "Sorry I neva got cho name I said gritting my teeth "Bianca" she responded

That's when I smacked da hoe "You...da...hoe...who...was...fuckin...wit...my...nigga...da...day...my...baby...was...born!" I yelled in between punches to da face

The police had to get me off of her my baby was taken and I was being arrested for assault "I didn't no he was yours he said he was single!" Dat bitch yelled "SHUT DAFUQ UP BEFO I WHOOP YO ASS AGAIN!" I screamed as the police pushed me in the car

I started sobbing because I realized Angel was seized "GIVE ME MY BABY PLEASE I WANT MY BABY ANGELLL I WANT MY BABYYYYY!" I screamed while crying my eyes out I was fully in the car and the police drove me to prison

A camera crew was behind me for the news as I sobbed not caring why is my life falling apart

Jazmine POV:

Me Huey and Elijah are watching big hero six I was currently crying because that little boy's brother died Elijah seemed really interested and Huey couldn't care less but watched because Elijah made him

As the we were watching it Automatically changed to the news

"This just it folks WNBA player Cynthia McPherson was just arrested for aggravated assault at the local Walmart in Woodcrest,Maryland she was found assaulting Dr. Bianca Remirez she is now being sent to prison take a look at this" the guy on the news said

Then it changed to Cindy talking to this lady calmly and then attacking her me and Huey were on the edge of are seat and Elijah was confused

"Mommy and daddy was is Aunt Cindy being charged for assault who did she fight" Elijah asked

I was surprised that he knew what was going on but then again this is the son of Huey Freeman probably the smartest person in woodcrest

"Come on Jazmine call Elijah's babysitter we need to get to Cindy" Huey said grabbing his keys and I followed him out the house

No one POV:

"Now folks successful Lawyer Huey Freeman and his The soon to be Zaria banks on the new show one shots Jazmine Dubois is now arriving along with Singer/Song writer Janiah Williams and Football player Micheal Ceaser are also arriving at the scene what we are wondering is where is Ms. McPherson's partner sports brand CEO/ owner Riley Freeman"

Why  you left me a Boondocks fantic Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum