Gone Jazmine

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Huey POV:

Jazmine had gone from woodcrest for the past year and and today marks two year of her leaving I just wonder why she left. Why she left a life that was so perfect for her. Was I not good enough a fiancé. I remember the say she left perfectly it play's in my head over and over again.

"Jazmine where are you going?" I asked " just out sweety and ... take care of Elijah for me" " what are you doing and where are you going ? I said repeated " Hue bear I'm just going out I will be back wait for me" she said "Are you going on vacation?" " sorta... Huey my love I need you to wait for me and take care of Elijah while I'm gone ok promise?" Uhh ok I promise.

And just like that she left and I never saw her Sence then. After a Day or two I got worried and sent out search parties for her but she left without a trace. I was devistated she never picked up the phone at all I even cried. I never felt like this since my parents passed away. This is why I never wanted love

I just want her back. Elijah is turning 3 next week and I have no idea what to do. Last year Ceaser helped me but he is in New York on a business trip and wouldn't be back until the day of the party. On his first birthday Jazmine planed it. Maybe I could get Cindy or Riley to help?

Riley POV:

" Soo I thought we should start thinkin of names fo da baby" Cindy said as we put the finishing touches on the baby's room. " yeah wutcho wuz thinkin" I said eagerly. Well since we havin a boy we namin him Jordan" she said " yeah I kinda like dat one but wut's if we havin a gurl" I said " den we name ha... hmmm.... Riley" she said boldly "u wanna name ha afta me huh." I said boldly with a little pout

" you heard me nigga" she said " Ight but wit if she don't look lika Riley" I said sourly. "Den u picka name since u wanna act all pussy and shii. I ignored her comment and thought about what I wanted my first born to be named. "Ok so Jordan if it's a boy rii and Rolalty if Issa gurl if not den Riley. I said with a smirk. She smiled at me " yea dats coo den ha gangster name can be—

"Miss T" I said cutting her of " dats wut I wuz gonna say she said laughing den suddenly her mood changed and she had a frown here she go again wit dis mood change shit I thought " aye wassup Murph" I said concerned " I miss Jazmine.... she said if I ever got pregnant she would help me decorate the room and think of a middle name. She said in her white girl voice while tears streamed down her face.

I sighed it's rare that Murph cries and when she does it's hard to get her to stop. But she pregnant itsa whole new thing she cries at least 3 times a week.

This is gonna take a while

Jazmine POV:

I have been gone from woodcrest for two years now I miss Everyone so much mostly Huey I miss my Hue bear. I left because I thought that I wasn't good enough I had lost my job and never told Huey why I was so late to pay back my half of the rent I even got raped the night after he proposed and was to scared to tell him.

"Alex stop I'm engaged " I practically yelled at him " not until you give me what's in your pants" he said seductively " I said NO I want nothing to do with you" I screamed then he started kissing my neck. Leave me alone " I WANNA GO HOME!" I yelled with tears down my face.

A week after that I felt so slutty and I just packed up my shit and left him. Now I live in this dingy apartment. And I still cry about it every day. I'm tired of this shit tho I'm going home to my son and fiancé even if it kills me his birthday is coming up that's when I leave this hellhole.

Huey POV:

Elijah was getting so big I just wished Jazmine was here to see that. Today Riley and Cindy were coming over to help plan my son's birthday party and dinner. We were going all out this year because the kid is hella spoiled and he begged me for a " big boy party" we had the money since I was a very popular and successful lawyer and I'm planing on running for mayor.

I'm also a political speaker,Riley had his own sports brand called Rezzy's ( I got that idea from another writer) and Cindy was in the WNBA But she was on leave due to her pregnancy." So I think errbody can cum and chill den we do sum lil games fa da kids den da dinner do dat happy birthday shit wit da cake and ice cream play a lil mo games and den send everybody the fuck out yo house" Cindy stated I nodded "yea that sounds cool"

"Itsa deal den" Riley said "and imma win all da games" Riley your 21 and you wanna play games at a 3 year old's party" I said rolling my eyes "damn right" he said.

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