part 7

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you get to school and head out to the football field. this morning is captains practice and tryouts are tonight.
you are nervous for the try outs because they are only filling out their JV team and this is the first year theu are allowing 7th graders to try out. you only started playing in tth grade but worked so hard to be the best you can i the 3 years you have been playing.
you show up to the practice and it wasn't as nerve racking as you thought. the players were nice but the coach was a little scary but she was also nice.
after practice you head to class.
~after school at the station~
you walk into the station to see maya and andy talking in her office you wait a few minutes to see if they come out.
when they don't you knock on the door and wait for an answer.
Maya: come in
YN: hi mom, andy
Andy: hey, im gonna head up stairs see you later.
Maya: yup
andy walks out of the room, maya gestures for you to sit down in the chair next to her.
Maya: i have a question for you. i know your mom has never really been the marriage type but if i was to ask her do you think she would say yes?
YN: she doesn't believe in marriage so i don't think so but i could try and ask her without foiling your plan.
maya: ok thanks
~at home~
you walk upstairs into your room when Mama pokes her head in.
you pat on the spot next to you and she comes and sits.
YN: so Mama are you and mom ginna gey married and will you let her adopt me?
Carina: i never planned on getting married, not after what happened with my parents. but we can do it do we can put maya as your mother as well. why are you asking.
Yn: its just that sofia had Arizona adopt her so i want mom to be able to say i am her daughter and not feel like she shouldn't because she wasn't around my whole life.
Carina: we can get it so maya will also be your legal gardian, lets start off with changing it so she can sign you out of achool if she needs to. why were you asking about marriage did maya say something?
YN: we were talking about it in vlass and i am the only persons whos parents aren't married, and the only one who doesn't have a dad.
carina: well i didnt tell your dad, and just because mom and i aren't legally maeride doesn't mean i don't love her as much or that im not committed because i am.
Yn: i know it just made me feel left out at school.
Carina: i was alway left out i was a bisexual OB so being wierd and left out is fun.
YN: whatever
you both head down stairs, maya is standing at the stove attempting to make dinner. she fails and almost burns dinner.
Yn: you would think a fire fighter wouldn't burn the food.
Carina smacks the back of you head. maya quickly moves the pan of pork off the burner. maya run ober to you and picks you up. she puts you down on the couch the.
she gets on top of you and starts tickling you. she only stops when you are both gasping for air.
maya and carina decide to order food from vic parents restaurant. carina goes to pick up the food.
Yn: she said that she never saw herself wanting to get married.
Maya: if i ask her do you think she would say no?
YN: i don't know i hope not. i don't want anything to happen to you guys.
maya: well I dont plan in anything happening to us. i know as a surgeon she doesn't wear rings so if i get her a necklace, i would use that to ask her.
maya: and i don't like big fancy weddings so we could just to a court house with a small party with some hospital and station people? what do you think?
YN: yes
you both put on a movie and sit on the couch together.
you fall asleep with yoi head on maya's shoulder.
carina comes over tk wake you up to eat dinner. you are eating when carina starts to talk.
Carina: so earlier yn was talking about family stuff with school. so i thought you both should knowwho your father is yn and maya i want you to now. only if you want to know that is yn
YN: yeah, but dk i know them?
carina: yeah he works at the hospital.
YN: ok
carina: so it is owen, in between him and Amelia breaking up i slept with him like twice. i got pregnant, i had to leave for italy to deal with my father and that was when i found out.
Yn: OWEN HUNT? thats my father, ew, he is so horrible to people, and obviously to people around him. but he doesn't know right.
carina: si lui non lo sa [yes he doesn't know]

we are getting marina endgame i am so happy.
i love andy being as big of a marina shipper as the rest of us.

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