She..probably didn't need any help from a monster.

"Oh atleast I saved the towel," she muttered and looked up at the boy staring at her. A chuckle escaped her mouth. "You are way too nice you know. I would've killed everyone by now."

"No you wouldn't," he said immediately, and sat down beside her. She took the towel and closed in towards his face. He scrunched his nose smelling the light alcohol breath but let her clean his face. 

"How would you know. You don't even talk to me," she muttered.

"I-I'm sorry," he said.

"No it should apologizing," she said, as beads of tears rolled down her cheeks, "If I wasn't such an asshole, I would be able to help you. Nothing's changed. I'm the...the same piece of shit-" She didn't finish her words.

Looking up at his face slowly, a grim expression took over. Within a second she got up and ran out towards the bathroom, slipping on the way.

 Within a second she got up and ran out towards the bathroom, slipping on the way

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Y/N remembered how she left the door open. And she knew if anything happened, she would get all the blame. Although a part of her wanted Hyunsu to escape, she also knew all of their survival depended on the boy. Sighing, she got up from her bed and walked towards his room. Drinking so much beer was a bad idea. After puking her guts out, she remembered stumbling back to her room and then dropping off to sleep. Jisu probably helped her by holding her hair back or something.

As she reached Hyunsu's room, she found an unusual sight. Well, not really unusual when she thought about it properly. Eunyu was probably the most who kept lurking around the boy...almost as if she developed some kind of feelings for him. She ofcourse didn't want to jump to conclusions. These feelings could've been anything. Maybe she wanted to be friends like she wanted to be one of Sangwook. Eunyu was sitting quietly wearing her headphones beside Hyunsu, who was asleep. He was having a nightmare like his expression suggested.

He looked good enough with her.

Turning around, she was returning to her room when she walked by the control room and heard Jisu's voice. "People are starting to lose it," she said.

It wasn't much of a surprise how scared the residents were after the recent events. Worrying so much about their survival was probably what would lead to their death. The first symptom was mainly emotional turmoil. On the top of it, the electricity was gone. 

She stood near the doorway and heard Eunhyuk speak, "I know. A lot sooner than I thought. Eectricity has no direct impact on survival. A lack of drinking water is a more serious problem." He looked...stressed. Well, atleast to Y/N. His eyes were fixed on the blueprint of the building stuck on the wall.

Jisu sighed in annoyance and said, "I know you are staying calm for everyone. Be honest, do you think we can survive?"

"At some point we have to depend on ourselves for survival," Y/N said looking at Eunhyuk who was avoiding her eyes, "And at some point, some of the residents will start betraying each other to save their own ass. How long do you think you can keep everyone sane?"

"As long as it takes," he said, finally looking straight at her eyes. The tone of his speaking felt a bit different than before. It felt like he was pissed at her. Y/N found it hilarious since he was the one who turned her down. She was supposed to be angry at him. But then she also remembered how she yelled at him back in the lobby. It made her cringe and she was sure, a super introverted guy like him hated her for it more than she can imagine. He also had a reason. 

Fuck, he always had a goddamn reason.

"It's better to share the problems with everyone. You aren't the only one who knows how to survive," she said.

"You think they can fucking handle all the problems when they can't even digest the situation we are stuck in? Even a tiny problem feels like hell to them and you're telling me to take help from them in making decisions?" he growled.

"It will be difficult at first but there are people who know how to take the right measures," she said.

Eunhyuk stared her for sometime and walked out of the control room, ignoring her words. He was heading towards Hyunsu's room. Jisu went along to know his plans while Y/N started following him, huffing and muttering words to get some kind of response from him, "You're sending him out again? How much can Hyunsu take it? He's doing everything he can, atleast give him a day off! You know that he's now taking time to heal himself. He isn't that much of a threat now. Listen to me! Stop-"

The door opened as they reached his room, and Eunyu walked out. Y/N was about to stop him again but got interrupted by Eunyu, "Leave him alone." They stopped by their tracks and looked at her and she continued, "If it's that important, you should go by yourself."

"Stop it," Jisu said.

"Hey!" Eunyu shouted, "You're the worst one. You act like you care but you just stand by and do nothing. You're no different."

"What about you?" Jisu said, "All you do is run your dumb fucking mouth."

"You fucking bitch," Eunyu said.

It seemed to be the last straw for Eunhyuk. He turned around and went towards her trying to stop her from saying anything further, "Hey Eunyu," but his sister didn't want to listen to him. 

"Stay out of it, you're not my real brother!" she shouted. 


The sound was enough for Y/N to realize that he did something he never did before. He slapped his little sister.

"You're so fucking weak," Eunyu muttered and left the area with a stony face.

Eunhyuk looked way too tired. He was panting and his eyes started showing signs of frustration, that he was keeping inside. 

Y/N couldn't take it. She slid down the wall outside the door while Eunhyuk and Jisu stepped in. She couldn't keep showing Hyunsu sympathy while treating him like trash every single day. She didn't have the courage to look into his eyes. Her eyes started tearing up, and face turned red. But she was done crying. At this point, she found this particular emotion to be exhausting. It was probably better to live like Eunyu. Just saying whatever she wanted without caring about others' sentiments. 

Hyunsu walked out of the room shortly after. She felt him stop by his tracks for a moment, probably looking at her pathetic figure on the floor. "I'll be back," he muttered and left.

Y/N rubbed her eyes and hid her face with her hands, sighing. Jisu stepped out of the room shortly after, and tried to persuade her into going back to her room but it looked like she wasn't going to move away from the place any time soon. Anger was slowly taking over her. Eunhyuk was straight up being a coward and maybe even too nice to the residents. At the moment she couldn't decide which to focus on cause both of them were annoying. She got up and walked in Hyunsu's room where she found Eunhyuk sitting on the ground, nose scrunching as he rubbed his temples. She wanted to scream and shout at him - make him stop taking all the responsibilities on his shoulder alone, but she settled with the toxic words that he previously said to her.

"You wanted to fuck, right?"

𝙊𝙣𝙚 𝙇𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚 | 𝙴𝚞𝚗𝚑𝚢𝚞𝚔 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now