28: Arriving In Rio

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"Here's what we know so far

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"Here's what we know so far. This is the aftermath of a daring, daylight break out. There was 26 high risk inmates being transferred. Everyone on board has bent accounted for except one, Dominic Toretto. Police have just released the identity of the person they believe to have orchestrated the shocking escape that amazingly resulted in no fatalities this afternoon. He is former federal agent, Brian O'Conner. A fierce manhunt is underway for three fugitives tonight. Multiple federal and local agencies have joined forces in the hunt for Dominic Toretto and his accomplices Brian O'Conner and youngest sister Violet Toretto. But despite every eye in the country looking for them, where the two Toretto's and O'Conner are now is anyone's guess."
A few weeks after the prison escape Violet and Brian arrive in Rio. They decided not to go straight to Rio and decided to go to other countries for a few weeks. Brain is driving through the streets while Violet looks out the window. She looks over at Brian lovingly with a smile before touching his head affectionately causing Brian to smile at her. Brian pulls up to the address Mia had sent Violet. Two kids sat on the trunk of the car in front of them. Brian and Violet say a look before getting out the car.
"It's got to be it. Right?" Violet asks as she looks around.
"Only one way to find out." Brian says grabbing Violet's hand before they walk up the stairs before they are surrounded by men with guns. Brian tightened his grin on Violet's hand protectively. "Let's get out of here."
"Whoa, whoa! Easy friends she's with me." Someone says in Portuguese. Violet turns around to see Vince. "Violet."
"Vince." Violet says hugging him.
"Buster." Vince says to Brian as him and Violet pull away. "Come on."
"Dom here yet?" Brian asks as they continue up the stairs.
"No." Vince answers.
"When was the last time you heard from him." Violet asks worrying about her older brother.
"A couple weeks ago. Up in Ecuador somewhere." Vince answers causing Violet to look at Brian worriedly. "How does it feel?"
"What's that?" Brian asks.
"To be on the other side of a wanted poster?" Vince asks as he looks at him before turning back around.
"He will show up." Brian reassures Violet grabbing her hand and squeezing it.
Vince leads them into his house and Violet smiles when her eyes land on her sister holding a baby.
"Mia." Violet says happily going over and side hugging her sister.
"Hey sis." Mia says hugging her sister tightly. "This is Nico."
"He's adorable." Violet says waving at her nephew.
"Come on, let's get you to something to eat." Mia says before leading them over to a table.
Brian and Violet eat their food quickly as they haven't had a proper meal in weeks. Mia looks at Vince worriedly, seeing the state they were in. She was extremely worried about her sister tho seeing as she was pregnant. After they were done eating, Violet holds Nico as Mia does the dishes.
"Time for bed little one." Mia says.
"Can I bring him?" Violet asks as she looks down at Nico and smiles.
"Of course." Mia says before the stop in the door way so Nico could see Vince.
"Goodnight." Vince calls to Nico as Violet smiles at Brian.
Brian lightly smiles back before Violet and Mia walk away with Violet still carrying Nico.
Brian could only imagine them having a family together one day.

Violet lays Nico down in his crib before he waves his hand at her causing Mia and Violet to smile. Violet starts to feel as if she is going to vomit.
"Excuse me." Violet says leaving the room quickly.
Mia knowing what's going on finishes putting Nico to bed before going and finding her sister.

"Why Rio Vince?" Brian asks as he and Vince drink beer.
"You mean after you screwed everything up in LA?" Vince asks him up. "Ended up free-falling through South America, you know hitting every hellhole on the way down. Would have kept going if not for Mia getting pregnant and meeting our neighbour Rosa."

When Mia finds Violet she is in the bathroom.
"Have you still not told him?" Mia asks her younger sister. Violet shakes her head no before Mia pulls her into a hug.
When they pull away they go downstairs and joins the boys. Mia sits in Vince's lap while Violet sits next to Brian and he grabs her hand placing their conjoined hands on his leg.
"So, listen. There is a job coming up. I was hoping Dom was going to be here by now but this job is clean enough we can do it without him. Couple of high-end cars, easy targets. Guy I know is putting a team together a team to swipe them. Just need a few more willing bodies." Vince explains to Violet and Brian.
"I don't know." Brian says as he looks at Violet.
"Look, the way the car scene is down here we can unload them quick and get top dollar. It's easy money." Vince explains "and from where I am sitting, it looks like you could both use the payday."
Violet looks at Brian to let him make the final decision before Brian nods. All Mia wants to do is shout out that Violet is pregnant and can't do the job, but that isn't her job. It's Violet's.

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