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"I just jammed every signal up and down the spectrum

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"I just jammed every signal up and down the spectrum." Tej tells the team after he had rushed over to the computer.
Mia loads a shotgun before handing it to Dom.
"Let's move." Dom tells the team before turning to Mia. "Stay here okay."
Mia nods before the team starts to walk away.
"I'm coming with you." Letty says making them all stop and look at her.
Dom leads the chase with Brian and Letty in the car with him. Han and Gisele are following closely behind in a car together while Hobbs, Tej and Roman are in a jeep behind Han and Gisele's car.
"Where the hell does this dude think he's going? We're on a army base. He's trapped." Roman asks before a plane then touches down in front of the team.
"Wow you just had to open you mouth. Now we got a big ass plane to deal with." Tej says.
"That ain't a plane. That's a planet." Roman tells him before the cargo door of the plane opens.
"She's as good as dead if Shaw gets away on that plane." Letty tells Brian and Dom causing them to worry even more about Violet.
"Then we don't let him get away." Dom says trying to hide is worry before speeding up. "Ride or die."
"Ride or die." Brian says in agreement.
Dom speeds up again while Han bumps into one of Shaw's guys, keeping him from getting on the plane. Hobbs does the same as Han to a different car before Dom gets lined up with the plane. Klaus and Vegh bring Violet forward as Owen and Riley get out of their car. Riley cocks her gun before Dom drives onto the plane before running over Riley. Violet escapes Vegh and Klaus grib before she runs of with Vegh following closely behind her. Owen ducks and Dom gets out the car and start a shooting at him. Klaus knocks Brian's gun out of his hand before picking Brian up and slamming him into the hood of a car. Ivory tries to drive onto the plane but Hobbs knocks him out of the way. Letty gets out of the car with a gun before Riley grabs her hands.  Riley tries to point the gun at Letty's face and fires. Letty points the gun away from her before firing the remaining bullets. Riley take the gun away from Letty before trying to shoot her. Letty punches Riley before Riley tries to get her into a headlock, which Letty spins out of. Riley then kicks Letty knocking her to the ground.  Violet keeps running before Owen gets behind Vegh, who was still chasing Violet.
"Tell them to take off." Owen orders Vegh before he continues to chase after Violet.
Han drives under the plane wing on their side while Gisele sits on the window with a harpoon gun. Gisele  goes to shoot the flap but Adolfson  rams into their car causing her to miss the flap but still unhurt the wing.
"Grab the wheel." Hobbs orders Tej as he drives close to the plane tires.
Tej jumps into the front seat as Hobbs jumps onto the plane. Hobbs jumps onto the plane through the wheel hold. Klaus is chocking Brian, who sees Violet run back towards the car. Brian punches Klaus causing Klaus to let go of him before he jumps off the hood of the car, ramming into Owen. Brian starts punching Owen in the face while Violet turns around. Klaus slams Dom into some crates and boxes. Brian punches Owen, before, Owen kicks him to the ground and grabs a pipe.
"No!" Violet yells before Dom quickly gets up, head butting Klaus.
Klaus falls into Owen. Brian quickly moves out the way while Violet runs over to him.
"Go!" Dom yells at Brian and Violet.
"Come on. Let's go." Brian tells Violet grabbing her hand and leading her to a red car.
Dom moves out the way as I crate falls in front of him. Ivory rams into Tej and Roman causing them to hit the side of the plane. Roman pulls his gun on Jah, who kicks it out of his hands before they both stand up. Roman jumps over taking Jah to the hood of Ivory's car. Brian drives out of the plane with Vegh following in a ramp car. Brian quickly turns and drives over the ramp car before Vegh crashes. Letty quickly gets up hitting Riley's legs as she tries to kick her again. Letty punches Riley before slamming her into a car. Owen gets up and grabs the pipe and swinging it at Dom who dodges it before punches Owen in the face twice. Klaus grabs Dom and swings him away from Owen. Hobbs punches Klaus in the face while Dom gets up. Klaus runs at Hobbs slamming him into the wall. Hobbs get up and punches Klaus twice in the face. Owen kicks Dom in the stomach before kicking him in the face, sending him the the ground. Jah punches Roman before Tej looks up at the wing. Tej motions for Roman to jump over before Roman jumps before the slams into Ivory and Jahs car sending them behind the turbine causing them to start flipping. Brian dodges the flipping car as he catches up with the plane. Adolfson points a gun at Gisele and the cable form her and Hans car gets caught under his tire. The cars slam together causing Adolfson to drop his gun. The plane starts trying to take off causing the cars to come of the ground. Letty kicks Riley to the ground before Riley scrambles for her gun. Riley grabs her gun before standing up. Riley points her gun at Letty, who tackles her to the ground. Klaus punches Hobbs before Hobbs punches him back. Owen go's to kick Dom again but Dom blocks it with his arm before shoving Owen into the wall. Klaus shoves Hobbs into a jeep before Hobbs blocks his punch. Hobbs punches Klaus in the stomach before Klaus punches him in the face. Klaus picks him up and slams him into the hood of the jeep. Dom punches Owen twice while klaus punches Hobbs, who pocked his thumbs into Klaus eyes before punching him. Owen goes to kick Dom, who grabs Owens leg and swings him into the crates. Klaus kicks Hobbs back into the jeep before Dom picks him up from behind. Hobbs pushes himself off the jeep before jumping up and punching Klaus knocking him out. Roman grabs a harpoon gun before firing at the flap but instead he hits the wing of the plane.

"What happened? Did you hit the flap?" Tej asks Roman.
"Uh, you should buckle up right now." Roman tells Tej before sitting back in the car.
Riley grabs Letty before slamming her into the the wall by the throat. Letty pushed on Riley's face before pulling the latch to open the emergency door.  The door flies open pulling Riley away from Letty. Riley grabs onto the frame before kicking Riley to the ground.
"Hey!" Hobbs says distracting Riley before throwing Letty a harpoon gun.
While Letty notch's the gun Riley gives Hobbs a 'really' "look which Hobbs with a 'Yeah, really' look.
"Wrong team, bitch." Letty says before firing the harpoon gun which hits Riley sending her flying out the plane. Hobbs helps Letty up before making his way to the door. Tej and Roman's car gets lifted of the ground as Adolfson gets out of his car and pulls Gisele out of hers. Han climbs out the car as Adolfson and Gisele fight. Brian catches up with the plane before getting on top of the car with a harpoon gun and Violet takes the wheel. Brian shots away from the flap but the wind causes it to land on the flap. Violet then speeds up and Gisele kicks Adolfson away from her before she starts to fall. Before she can fall Han grabs her hand. Gisele sees Adolfson behind Han with his gun in his hand. Gisele let's go of Hans hand and shoots at Adolfson while she falls. Han rushed over to Adolfson before punching him repeatedly. Violet gets in front of the plane as Brian gets back into the car. The plane starts to come down causing things to shift inside the plane and for the cars to touch the ground again. Han punches Adolfson before throwing him into the turbine. Han gets back in his car as the Jeep becomes unhooked. Roman looks up and see Hobbs at the door.
"Tej! Keep it steady." Roman tells Tej.
"We got to move. It's going down!" Hobbs tells Letty and Dom as Dom walks over to Letty.
"Go!" Dom tells Hobbs looking at Letty while Hobbs jumps down. Dom brings Letty over to the door. "Go,     now!"
"Come on. Let's move, move, move!" Hobbs yells up to them.
Letty jumps down and Hobbs catches her.
"Come on!" Letty yells while Dom stands in the doorway. Dom catches sight of Owen getting into a car before following him. "Dom!"
Dom gets into the jeep from the passenger side at the back. Dom punches Owen as he pushes the seat I didn't of him forward. Dom grabs the chip but is elbowed in the face by Owen. The cargo hood starts to raise as Dom slams Owens head into the steering wheel. Dom gets out the jeep with the chip before the jeep collides with the cargo hood causing Owen to fly out the front window and out of the plane. Violet speeds up causing the flap to bend as the wing touches the ground. Dom gets into a car as the turbines blow up. The plan hits the ground before it all starts to explode. Letty looks back at the plane worriedly before a car drives out of the nose of the plane. The car starts flipping as it hits the ground, flipping out of the way out of the plane. They all get out of there cars and look to where they last Saw the car Dom was in. Dom then walks through the flames causing everyone to smile before Letty runs over to him. Brian and Violet turn to each other before resting their hands against each other before Brian pulls her into a hug and kisses the side of her head.
"Where's Gisele?" Violet asks when they pulled away before she walks over to Han. "Where's Gisele?"
Han just stares at the flames before Violet pulls him into a hug. Brian walks over and hugs Han before he bursts into tears.
Brian and Violet walk away from Han to give him some time as Dom and Letty walk over to the team hand in hand.
"So this is worth billions, huh?" Dom asks Hobbs holding up the chip with a smirk as Brian wraps an arm around Violet.
Yeah, it is." Hobbs says taking the chip. "Name your price, Dom."
Dom looks at Letty before looking at Brian and Violet.
"1327." Dom says causing Brian and Violet to look at each other with smiles on their faces. Letty looks confused as she tries to figure out where she hears that number before, while Hobbs  looks at Dom confused and Roman and Tej Share a look of confusion.

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