12: Race Wars

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It has been a week since Violet and Brian got together and today was the day

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It has been a week since Violet and Brian got together and today was the day. The day of race wars. Dom, Brian, Mia and the rest of the team didn't want Violet to come seeing as she has only been back for around 2 months and isn't use to the whole street racing scene. But Violet wasn't going to take no for a answer and they all knew that so ended up giving up and let her go. Right now the team were all meeting up at the Torreto's house. Violet was in the garage getting her car ready to go when Brian came out of the house.
"Hey babe." Brian says going over to Violet and kissing her on the cheek due to the fact she had her back to him.
"Hey babe." Violet says smiling when they pull away.
"What you up to?" Brian asks her wrapping his arms around her.
"Just getting my car ready to go." Violet replies turning around in Brian's arms.
"You don't need to do that you can ride with me. Then their won't be to many cars to get out of there if the police show up." Brian tells her.
"What if I want to race?" Violet asks.
"You can race in my car." Brian tells her.
"Do you really trust me that much?" Violet asks smirking.
"Yep." Brian says.
"Okay fine. But I don't think we need to worry about the police showing up because according to Dom they never do."
"Always better to be safe then sorry." Brian tells her.
"Anyway come on let's go back inside. Leon and Jesse still need to get here and they should be here soon."
"Okay." Violet says smiling before leaning up and kissing Brian before walking away.
"Your such a tease." Brian says chuckling.
Violet laughs back while Brian runs to catch up with her before they walk into the house together.


The team had just got to race wars and are at their tent when Violets phone goes off. She takes her phone out and sees the ID. Knowing the person wouldn't want anyone else to hear she decides to go back to the teams trailer.
"I got to take this." Violet says before leaving.
"That was weird." Vince says.
"Yeah. It was." Mia agrees.


"Hey Jakob." Violet says happily to her brother on the other end of the phone once she closes the door to the trailer.
"Hey Vi." Jakob replies.
"I miss you. So does Mia and Dom when are you coming back?" Violet asks.
"That's what I am calling you about." Jakob tells her.
"What's up?" Violet asks.
"I don't think I will be ready to come home for a little while." Jakob tells her. "I might not ever be ready to come back."
"Please tell me you are joking. Jakob I need you. I miss you. Please you have to come back." Violet begs.
"I am sorry Vi but I... I just can't come back yet. But promise no matter what happens you will stay safe. You know how Dom can be." Jakob says.
"I promise." Violet says with tears in her eyes. "I love you J."
"I love you to lil sis." Jakob says.
"Take care bro." Violet says.
"You to sis." Jakob replies before Violet hangs up.
Violet wipes her tears and splashes water on her face so it doesn't look like she had been crying before leaving and walking back to the group but before she could make it she sees Mia.
"Hey Vi you ok?" Mia asks
"Yeah I am good." Violet replies before turning to see Jesse driving away.
"Where's Jesse going?" Violet asks.
"I have no clue." Mia says back. "Let's go see if the team knows."
"Yeah let's go." Violet says before they both head back to the teams tent.

When they get there they see a group of people gathering around two people fighting who the two girls soon recognise as Dom and Johnny Tran.
"Dom!!!" Violet shouts as she tries to make her way through the crowd but some grabs her arm and pulls the back protectively. She turns around to see Brian.
"Don't worry security will handle it." Brian tells her.
"Brian one of them is going to get seriously hurt someone has to stop it before it gets to that point." Violet replies.
"Yeah and that person is a security guard not you. Look the security guards are getting Dom off of Tran right now." Brian tells her pointing to the middle of the crowded where the security guards were trying to get Dom of of Tran.
Brian pulls Violet into a tight hug while Dom and Tran start shouting at each other.
That night, Mia had gone home a few hours before because she wasn't feeling to good. Vince wanted to go with her but Mia told him to stay.

Brian walked into the trailer looking for Violet but when he couldn't see her he went to walk out but saw through the window Dom and Violet shouting at each other and Dom getting into his car. Brian gets out of the trailer and walks towards Violet.
"Violet!" Brian called. "What's going on. I wanna talk about it."
"No Brian." Violet says.
Brian quickly shock is head before saying "Oh, so what you always have tears in your eyes when Dom drives away?"
"What is the matter with you?" Violet asks coming to a stop and looking at her boyfriend.
"Come on babe, what's your brother racing off in the middle of the night for? I'm talking about the trucks. Do you know about the trucks?" Brian asks.
"No Brian! What trucks? Jesus Christ." Violet says as she begins to walk away again.
Brian sighs knowing he was going have to break his cover and probably lose Violet in the process which he really doesn't want to do. But knows he has to. Brian grabbed her wrist and spun her around before saying "Listen to me Violet. I am a cop."

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