64: Beach Day

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Violet, Brian, Mia, Dom, Letty, Jack and Nico were all going to the beach

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Violet, Brian, Mia, Dom, Letty, Jack and Nico were all going to the beach. Violet was getting Jack ready and he was talking about what he was going to do at the beach.
"I am going to build a sandcastle with Nico, I am going to play in the sea with you and Daddy. I am going to get fish and chips and Ice cream." Jack says excitedly.
"You might have to ask daddy about the ice cream. You do get a bit hyper after don't you?" Violet says.
"Yeah, but daddy will say yes." Jack says.
"Yeah, he can't say no to you can he?" Violet asks finishing getting Jack changed.
"No he can't." Jack says.
"Come on then buddy." Violet says standing up and grabbing Jacks hand.
Jack jumps down the stairs while Violet struggles to keep him from falling.
"Be careful buddy. You don't want to fall, do you?" Violet asks.
"No." Jack says as he stops bouncing and walks normally down the stairs.
When they get down the stairs they go into the kitchen and see Brian.
"Daddy!" Jack says excitedly running over to him.
"Hey buddy." Brian says picking Jack up.
"Can I get some ice cream when we go to the beach?" Jack asks.
"If it's okay with Mama I don't see why not." Brian says looking at Violet.
"It's okay with me. But only a small one as you do get quite hyper." Violet says walking over to he husband and her son.
"Yeah!" Jack cheers as their is a knock on the door.
"I'll go get it." Violet says.
"I want to go." Jack says trying to get down out of Brian's grip.
"Here you go." Brian says placing Jack on the ground.
"Thanks daddy." Jack says before running out of the kitchen.
Brian and Violet look at each other and laugh before Violet walks out the kitchen.
"Come on mama hurry up!" Jack says waiting by the door.
"I'm coming buddy." Violet says laughing.
Violet walks over and opens the door and sees Mia, Dom, Letty and Nico.
"Hey guys come in." Violet says opening the door so they can come in.
They all step in a Jack starts bouncing up and down.
"Someone's excited." Letty says laughing.
"Daddy and Mama said I can get a ice cream." Jack says still jumping up and down.
"Can I get a ice cream to?" Nico asks.
"Sure." Mia says ruffling her son's hair.
"Yeah!" Nico cheers jumping up and down with Jack.
"What's going on in here?" Brian asks walking into the room.
"Mia just agreed that Nico can have a ice cream as well." Letty says.
"We are going to have our hands full today." Brian says laughing.
"Yep we definitely are." Violet says a while everyone else laughs.
"Shall we head out then?" Dom ask.
"Yeah!" Both Jack and Nico say excitedly.
"Come on then." Violet says before they all head to the beach.

"Nico, want to go build a sandcastle with me?" Jack asks.
"Yeah." Nico says.
"Don't go to far boys." Mia tells them.
"We won't." Jack replies before they run off down the beach but they are still close enough so everyone can see them.

After a few hours later the go and get some fish and chips before getting some ice cream and going home.  Violet and Brian give Jack a bath once they get home to get all the sand out of his feet and hair.
"Did you have fun today buddy?" Brian asks while Violet washes Jacks hair.
"Yeah!" Jack shouts.
"Quieten  down a bit buddy. Okay, the neighbours are probably trying to have a bit of quite time." Violet says trying to calm Jack down.
"Okay mama." Jack says. "Can we watch a movie?"
"After you had you bath it's your bedtime buddy maybe tomorrow." Brian tells his son.
"Okay." Jack says.
Violet and Brian finish bathing Jack before getting him ready for bed.
"Night buddy see you in the morning." Violet says kissing Jacks forehead.
"Night mama. Night daddy." Jack says.
"Night bud." Brian says giving Jake a high five.
Violet and Brian leaving Jacks room before going downstairs.
"What should we do for Jacks 4th birthday next week?" Brian asks Violet as they cuddle on the couch watching a movie.
"Maybe we should let him decide on the day. It will save us a lot of stress." Violet suggest.
"Thats true." Brian says in agreement.
Violet soon falls asleep with her head laying in Brian's lap. Brian smiles down at her while playing with her hair and completely forgetting about the movie they were watching. He ended up watching Violet sleep for almost a hour before he carried her upstairs and put her on the bed and under the covers before taking off his top and jeans so he was just in his boxers. He then got into bed before pulling Violet closer to him and falling asleep himself.

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