44: Our Old Life Is Done

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Brian and Dom were racing through the streets of the Canary Islands when Mia's voice is heard over the walkie talkie

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Brian and Dom were racing through the streets of the Canary Islands when Mia's voice is heard over the walkie talkie.
"Guys! Violet's gone into labour!" Mia yells over the walkie talkie.
"Wait what!" Brian yells back.
"Ok Mia. Get her to the hospital we will get there as soon as we can." Dom orders.
"Will do." Mia says before putting the walkie talkie down.

When Dom and Brian arrive at the hospital and a couple nuns walks out.
"Señor O'Conner! Señor O'Conner! Hurry come." A nun says in Spanish as Dom and Brian get out of their cars.
"It's all right, I got it." Elena tells the nun in Spanish before going over to Dom and Brian with Nico in her arms before telling Brian. "It's ok. You're just in time."
"You're going to be a great farther, Brian." Dom says wrapping a arm around Elena.
"What makes you so sure?" Brian asks.
"Because I'll be there to kick you ass if you ain't." Dom says causing Brian to smile.
"Get in there, go." Elena tells Brian.
Brian walks over to the nuns.
"Brian." Dom says making Brian look at him. "Remember the second you go through those doors, everything changes. Our old life is done."
Brian nods before the nuns lead him in. When he walks in to the room he sees Mia comforting Violet. As soon as Violet sees Brian she reaches a hand out to him which he takes before kissing her.
Six months later Hobbs was sitting in his office when Monica Fuentes walks in and drops some files on his desk.
"You need to look at that." Monica tells him sitting on the desk. Hobbs opens the file. "Berlin, 3:00 a.m this morning. A team of drivers hijacked a military convoy."
"Toretto?" Hobbs asks her.
"Nope." Monica answers him.
"Ain't interested." Hobbs says throwing the files down.
"Yes you are. Keep looking." Monica tells him.
Hobbs looks at her confused before picking up the file and opening it again before coming across a photo of Letty Ortiz. "You believe in ghost?"
A few days later Dom wakes up and smiles down at Elena who was sleeping on his chest. He runs his fingers along her arm before kissing her forehead and getting up. He gets changed before grabbing and beer and going outside.
"This is what 100 million buys?" Hobbs asks making Dom look at him and Elena wake up. "It wasn't that hard to find you Toretto."
"I wasn't hiding." Dom tells him.
"How's the life of a retired international criminal?" Hobbs asks walking over to Dom.
"I like it here. It's quiet. Nice weather. And no extradition." Dom answers with a smile. "So what are you doing here, cop?"
"Last Tuesday, a team of highly coordinated drivers took down a entire military convoy in Russia." Hobbs explains.
"I don't do cold weather." Dom tells him.
"I know it wasn't you. But you're going to help me catch the team responsible." Hobbs tells him before Elena walks outside cocking her gun. "And you ain't gonna need that."
"You can't touch him, Hobbs. You've got no powers." Elena says.
"I'm not here to extradite anyone. See, he's goings come volunteering. As a matter of fact his gonna beg me." Hobbs tells her making them both look at him confused before Hobbs hands Dom a file. "This was taken a week ago. I'll see you out front."
Hobbs walks away as Dom opens the file. When Dom sees the picture he tenses up.
"It's Letty isn't it." Elena says walking up behind Dom.
"It's impossible." Dom says.
"If that was my husband, if there was any chance, no matter how small. I would go." Elena tells him before he pulls her into a hug.
Dom then walks to the front.

When Dom gets outside he sees Hobbs waiting for him.
"I'm going to need everything. All the info you got." Dom tells Hobbs leaning against his car.
"You'll get it when the team gets it." Hobbs tells him.
"No team. This is gonna have to be me alone." Dom tells Hobbs.
"It's not that simple. The crew we're after, they hit like thunder and disappear like smoke. You go in alone you won't ever touch them. I've been chasing this guy across four continents and 12 countries. And believe me, the last damn place I want to be right now is on your front door step selling Girl Scout cookies. I need you help Dom. I need your team." Hobbs explains.

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