Yes, that's it. We should start it right now. I saw them just a few minutes ago. They were going towards the gym. Daksh, let's go to your room.


Guys, we need to be careful. Don't leave even a single clue that could lead the coach to us.

Yes, right.

They all went to his room. Daksh knew how to pick a lock so they opened his almirah and found the locket. They took the locket and dropped a letter in its place. It stated that the thing you are trying to find is out of the academy. Have fun finding it.
Then they all went to the room of Aadi and Leo.
Now all they had to do was wait for the night.

Issac came to his room to change his clothes. As a ritual, he started looking for the pendant and found it missing. The pendant meant a lot to him. Frightened he started throwing all the stuff out and found the letter. Anger was a small term to explain his emotion. He went to the room of Ryan and Lucas.

The five of them saw Issac storming out of the room and understood that they have been successful.
As expected the three of them went out during the night as it's the best time when they could leave the academy successfully.

When they left the room, the five of them entered and started looking for their clothes. They found them neatly kept on the table. They covered them with different colours and left the room. They also kept the pendant inside their clothes.
This morning
During the morning, all 5 came to the ground on time. Excitement was visible on their faces and when the coloured Ryan and Lucas came to the ground, they were truly happy. Coach came to the ground. He looked angry.
They thought that now the coach would be angry with Ryan and Lucas and would punish them but what happened next was unexpected.

Aditya, come forward.


Is there any other Aditya that I don't know of?

No sir, Sorry sir.

Coach gave him a piece of paper.

Write something on it.

What sir?


Aadi started thinking as he had no idea what was going on.

I don't have all day. You know what, wrote every workout you did yesterday.

Aadi quickly wrote it and gave it to the coach. He took another paper from his pocket and started comparing both papers. Everyone was confused, well except Issac, Ryan and Lucas.

So it does belong to you.

Wh...what it is sir?

Lying? I see.
Everyone except Ryan, Lucas and Aditya, start running.
Ryan and Lucas why are looking like a joker today?

They both stood silent as they had no proof against who did this. As they are both roommates, they can't even say that their roommate did it.

The coach said dangerously:
I am already pissed off. Don't push me more. Answer me.

It was a mistake, sir.

Really? Oh so said.. (in a sarcastic tone)
Let me help you clean it. Both of you, go to the swimming pool. 25 lapses in half an hour. Run

Both of them didn't spare a single second and ran away. Now it was just Aadi and coach.

So you still don't know what you did wrong?

N..no sir. Wh..what are you tal..talk..in..ing about?

Aah I see, you have a memory problem. Have a look at this paper.

Aadi took the paper with trembling hands. He got petrified after seeing the paper...


Another announcement:
I know I am usually very late in my updates. As it's been a whole year since the story started, I would be updating every day for the next whole week.
So stay tuned😁

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