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Hello everyone!!
Hope you all are doing good and taking care of your health.
Today, it's been a complete year since I started this story. I am using this app for the last 4-5years and I never thought that one day I would write my own story. It has been only possible because of your support. Today I have around 3.16 viewers on my story and I can't thank you all enough.
There were many times when I thought that this story is not good enough. But your votes and comment encourage me to keep going.
Once again, Thank you all...❤


It's been 2 weeks since I started this academy and if the experience is not good then it's not much worse. I got attached to the guys in my group.
Although we all are good friends there are two subgroups within our team. I, Jack, Daksh, Leo and Samar in one , and Lucas, Issac, and Ryan in other.

Samar and Daksh are 19 years old, Jack is 17 while Leo is of the same age as me. Leo had been allotted as my roommate but as he is an introvert, all the talking is done by me in the room.

All has been going well till now but right now, well, I can't say anything. All five of us have a bucket and a broom in our hands but we are covered in sweat throughout. You would ask about the reason. Well, what can I say? We kind of tried pulling a prank on Lucas, Issac and Ryan and got caught. Now you would ask the reason why would we do so? The thing is they started it. They kind of add extra spices in the food of Jack and Leo due to which they couldn't eat their food. As a result, they couldn't perform well during practice and were punished. We three were not there in the mess during that time, so we didn't know about it and when they told us, well we had to retaliate.

Let me all take you to yesterday to explain the reason behind our punishment.

Narrator's pov

What? How could they do this?

We have to do something. They can't get away after doing such a thing.

But what can we do?

Let us all think about something.

They all got deep in thoughts.
After few minutes

I think I have an idea

What is it?

Umm... unfortunately Issac is my roommate. He has a pendant. He never wears it but it's precious to him. He literally worships it. What if we do something with it?

But, what can we do with it? We can't harm it. It would be wrong.

I have an idea. What if we steal it, put a note saying that we hide it somewhere. The place should be something difficult to reach and then they would go there they would found nothing.

It's a good idea but still a vague one. Think more.

What about we say that we threw it outside the academy? Going out of the academy is out-of-bounds.

Yes, it could work. I am sure that Ryan and Lucas will also go with them. While they are outside, we could stain their PT dresses. Colourful clothes will lead to equally colourful punishment.

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