"In a changeling hive there is a Queen, much like a Princess, she rules the hive and ordered us to do things that will benefit us in the long run. For example, we need love as ponies need food. So, the queen orders us to infiltrate villages as normal ponies to make sure we feed and don't starve to death." Arone explained was the queen ordered the minions to the nearby village and showed some of the minions turning into ponies. "Before I left the hive, we were dangerously close to starving to death. In these modern times with records being kept on everypony, a changeling can't just entire a town, village or even city without suspicion unless of course, they kidnap a pony and impersonate them."

Bini narrowed her eyes at him and moved a bit closer to look into his eyes.

"Are you telling me that you kidnapped the real Arone-"

"NO! Of course not! I made this disguise all on my own and for your information, my name really is Arone. Anyway, when a changeling impersonates a pony who doesn't have green eyes, sometimes their eyes flash green because it takes up a lot of magic to wear a disguise and it flickers sometimes. The more love a changeling has, the stronger they are."

"I don't understand. Why are you telling me this now?"

"Because Princess Cadence is a changeling."

Bini snickered and covered her mouth as Arone revealed his suspicion. Arone rolled his eyes.

"I am being serious! I saw her eyes flash green a few days ago!" He snapped. Bini cleared her throat with a smirk and nodded for him to continue. "I checked the history of Cadence. She was known to be very nice and kind. Along with having blue magic. Not green. Changelings use green magic even when they are a pony. This is why I have green magic."

"OK. I admit that is intriguing evidence." Bini said. Before taking a moment of silence to consider the situation. "That doesn't mean I completely believe it. I don't exactly trust you at the moment."

"If you cared about our friendship at all! You are going to help me reveal that a changeling is impersonating Cadence to everypony!"

"Ugh. I am busy, Arone. I know it may surprise you but I have a job! Yes, I did care about our friendship but that was in the past. What you are asking me to do is insane! Especially because you are talking about your own species! How could you betray them like that?"

"Equestria is my home now. I left my hive for a reason." Arone snapped. "Please, please help me!"

Bini sighed.

"I have work to do." She mumbled. Then started to open the door when Arone blocked her path.

"I am sorry, Bini. But if you don't help me. I will tell Celestia you read the journals."

"I can not believe you are blackmailing me right now! How we ever became friends, I will never know!" She barked back with genuine hurt and anger. "Fine! I will help you with your stupid theory. I doubt a queen would be as dumb as to impersonate a figure as popular as an Alicorn but OK! Fine!"

Arone nodded and opened the door. Allowing a very anger unicorn to march out, shouting curses in her wake as she trotted down the corridor.


Celestia watched Cadence and Shining Armour walking in the Royal Garden. Spending some much-needed quality time together. She stood on her balcony overlooking them with suspicion. Cadence was the type of pony, who, when under stress still treated ponies with the respect they deserved. This is why it was so troubling for Celestia to believe that she was being cold and rude to Twilight, her friends, and generally everypony else because of the wedding plans.

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