"I don't have time for this."

The figure let out a loud laugh. Echoing in Celestia's mind.

"Have fun with the stuffy nobels. We both know you want to kill them."


The party had been going on for quite a few hours at this point. Bini was wearing a simple pink and blue dress with her regular scarf and pin that was shaped like a star connecting it all. She was standing in front of the statue of a unicorn. Honestly, it freaked her out but it gave her a chance to watch a pegasus with a rainbow coloured mane and an interesting dress make a complete fool of herself in front of the Wonderbolts and other stuffy guests.

Arone trotted up beside her with a welcoming smile and moved to stand beside her. Also moving to watch the pegasus on the other end of the room trying her best to impress everypony.

"So? Anything exciting happened in the past three hours?"

"Other than this pegasus really screwing up...Not really. Anything happen to you?" Bini asked before taking a sip of her punch. Being held up by her magic. Her face twisted in disgust and she gagged. "Oh, what is in this? Gross."

Arone took her cup from her and sniffed it before taking a sip. He swished it in his mouth for a moment, pondering the taste and ingredients before swallowing it.

"It is a combination of strong alcoholic apple cider, cinnamon and...Candy?"

"UGH! The catering has really gone down-"

Suddenly, the high-class music changed to party music and a pink pony jumped off stage. A orange pony pushing a trolly with a large cake into the main ballroom came in. She was going on about how no pony was eating her treats because of high society when the pink pony landed on the trolly. Making the cake fly into the air towards Prince Blueblood and his date, who was a unicorn with a unique mane. Blueblood pulled a classic move and used the unicorn to deflect the oncoming cake. She lost her mind and started yelling at him in rage and splattered cake all over him to his horror.

Blueblood frantically backed away from her and bumped into the Alicorn statue the pair were near. Arone and Bini looked at the statue then at each other in horror as they realized what was about to happen. It started to fall towards the pair. Bini started to curse loudly when the pegasus from before whizzed past them and attempted to hold up the statue to impress everypony. It worked...For about five seconds before she started to stumble away and caused the statue to hit a pillar holding up the ballroom, then a chain reaction started and they all eventually fell.

Part of the ceiling fell, causing the guests to scamper away in fear. Luna trotted up to the pair and they all stood in silence when Celestia and Twilight appeared. Then a rumbling started. Shaking the ballroom.

"Oh great. It gets worse." Bini mumbled with a roll of her eyes.

The double doors leading to the garden burst open to reveal a crazy looking pegasus and a bunch of animals running into the castle. Twilight let out a strangled scream as Celestia and Luna stood in disbelief. The yellow pegasus was breathing hard and stumbled into the ballroom with her dress in tatters.

"You...Are going to LOVE ME!" She yelled at the animals.

Celestia and Twilight had joined Luna and the pair in the middle of the ballroom. Looking upon the chaos as everypony who remained with the animals were running in chaos. Celestia leaned down to Twilight.


Twilight whistled to the main ponies who caused the mess, which B

ini was only just realizing was the saviours of Equestria who stopped Nightmare Moon. They quickly galloped out as the rest of them watched the chaos.

"Sister...This is very bad!" Luna said on the verge of having a panic attack. Celestia had bitten her lip and looked at the last of the fleeing guests and the animals still wondering the destroyed ballroom.

"It needed to be redecorated anyway," Bini mumbled. Arone and Luna looked at her in disbelief.

"That is what you are taking away from THIS!?" Arone yelled.


Celestia stumbled into her room. It had been hours since the Gala ended. The castle staff was currently using all their available skills to repair the ballroom in a timely way. She had sent Arone to help with the repair efforts and Luna was overseeing them as it was the nighttime. This was her domain. Celestia nearly ripped off her dress and placed it carefully into the closet before trotting over to her balcony and watching the Moon reach the highest point in the sky.

She smiled as the cold air sent a chill through her body. She flew into the air with grace, flying over the castle guards and servants desperately trying to calm the remaining frantic animals down in the garden before landing in a secluded part of the garden. Mostly hidden to any pony simply passing by where the statue of Discord still stood.

She sat down in front of the statue. The moonlight provided enough light for her to see her dear...It doesn't matter anymore. Their relationship died the day Discord turned on her and Luna. She had spent countless nights arguing with the voice about that fact. She refused to believe it but at the same time, a small part of her had grown to accept it. A very small part of her.

"Good evening, Discord." She had a soft smile. "I am sure you want to hear about the chaos that happened at the Gala tonight. It was rather entertaining. Although it costed the Ballroom. As Bini put it, it needed to be redecorated anyway."

She looked up at the frozen expression of Discord. Wishing that she could hear his response like she did every time. Then she paused before continuing her one-sided conversation and focused on a small crack in the middle of the statue's chest. She flew towards the crack and ran her hoof along the small area.

"That wasn't there before." She mumbled. Her emotions quickly became conflicted between fear and hope. Fear that Discord was going to return. Hope that Discord would return.

She shook her head. Pushing down the hope she felt with a sense of guilt for being so selfish. Putting her own desires before the ponies of Equestria. She must never forget what he did to them. To Luna. To her. She waited for the voice in her head to return. Increasing the amount of pain she already felt. Nothing.

She flew back down to the ground. Deciding to move along from the concerning state of the statue and focus on what she came for. A small sense of comfort. Being able to talk with somepony, even if they could hear or listen to her. Even if they didn't love her anymore, she was still able to vent to him. Just like in the olden days.

"As you know, I invited Twilight and her friends to the Gala."

---End of chapter eight---

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