"Did you-Do you mean you want to be...Wait." Celestia stammered in shock. Staring at him suspiciously. "Are you joking?"

The look on Discord's face told her all she needed to know.

"You aren't joking...Oh, sweet Faust. This is happening. You want to be...my partner?"

He nodded silently, looking down in embarrassment. Celestia was silent for a while. Considering the pros and cons but came to the conclusion that it didn't matter. She felt the same as him. That is all that mattered.

"Yes." She said confidently with her head held high. "I agree."


This was officially the worst day of her life. She watched as the bodies of her parents laid in a pool of their own blood in the middle of the throne room. Candy canes were sticking out of their eyes, ears, stomach and mouths. She screamed in horror and pain. This was her felt. She had been dating Discord for more than two years. She was very close to him. She should have seen this coming!

She blocked out the chaos outside and the screams of the guards and innocent ponies to mourn her parents. She heard a gasp from behind her and turned her head slightly to see her little sister staring at their parents' dead bodies.

"Mommy?" Luna whimpered. Stepping closer to their bodies. "Daddy?"

Celestia used her magic to hold Luna back as she rushed forward and desperately pleaded for them to wake up. To get up. To do anything. She pulled the crying filly into her chest, shielding her vision of their parents with her wings surrounding her body.

"I am so sorry, Luna. I am so sorry."

Her ears perked up at the sound of a familiar taunting laugh. In a flash of light, Discord appeared on a throne of his own creation. Replacing the thrones at the front of the room and floating in the air. He snapped his fingers again and started to lift their parents' bodies. Causing them to dance around the Princesses with a bright smile despite the horror that their mangled bodies had become. Celestia held onto her sister with a tighter grip as she glared up at pure hatred at the creature she loved. The creature she mistakingly loved.

"Why!?" She screamed. "They accepted you and you have just thrown it back in every ponies' face!"

"Accepted?" He spat out in disgust. "You call, the King and Queen planning my execution, being accepted!?"

Luna jumped out of her sister's embrace.

"YOU LIE!" Luna screamed. "YOU LIE! YOU LIE! YOU LIE!"

Discord snapped his fingers, lifted Celestia towards him. Much to Luna's protests. They ignored her as Celestia struggled to get out of his magic but it was useless.

"Do you hate me?" He said in a surprisingly soft tone. She stopped struggling and stared at him with shock. Did she hate him? He was running Equestria. He killed her parents yet...Why did she still love him? Why did she not hate him?

"I. Don't. Know." Celestia replied coldly. Discord gave her a smug smile and caused a crown to appear next to him.

"You could rule with me, you know. You could become...Queen Celestia of Chaos. Catchy isn't it, sweet Tia?"

"Never. I will save Equestria from a monster like you."

He growled and violently threw her back to the ground. She yelped in pain as she hit the ground, causing the stone floor under the torn carpet to crack. Discord let out evil laughter as Celestia stumbled up and used her wing to point at the front door.

"Luna, there is nothing we can do right now. We have to go! RUN!" She ordered. Luna obeyed without question and started galloping away. She took one last look at Discord before teleporting to her sister's location and guiding her through the chaos to reach a safe cave in the mountains that had yet to be touched by his chaos.

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