Chapter sixteen

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Agent X-218 pov

A tool. An instrument. That's what I have been taught to be. An emotionless being. When Mr. Cain called me to his office, my heart shattered again. I didn't want to kill another person, there was enough blood on my hands. When he told me he wanted me to get Hiraeth and the man accompanying her, I panicked for a moment. We used to be friends, live together in our village, i didn't want to kill her. However, he specified that he didn't want them dead. Oh how it would have been better if he had! I have seen the things Mr. Cain has done to the people he decided to not kill, death would have been a better option. Once I walked outside the office, I take my new passport and ID. I read through it religiously. My name is now Crystal Hennings, I'm a twenty year old college student who is going to see her family for vacation. Well I can work with that. Once I go outside, I see a taxi driving near the highway and wave my hand towards it. The taxi stops in front of me and I get in. I take the luggage that I have been given which just contained two pairs of clothes, a gun, a few knives, and information on my two victims. I ask the taxi man
"To the airport please"
The taxi man nods and takes me to the airport. Once we arrive, he drops me off at the front and takes my luggage out for me. Hm a man of good service. The taxi man says
"Forty bucks please"
I take out my wallet and take out forty bucks and hand it to him. He thanks me and goes as I take my luggage. I go inside the crowded airport and look around to see the check in place. I find it and go over to the cashier and she greets me with a smile.
"Hi! Where to?"
I take out my passport as I say
"To Greece"
She types it in the computer while saying
"It's a two flight process, you will have to go to Portugal first"
I nod and say
"Very well"
She types it into the computer and says
"Please put your luggage on the machine"
I smile and say
"Actually, I want to keep it. It's filled with documents and I have to fill them out"
She looks at me suspiciously and says
"But it looks so heavy!"
I say
"It's not, it really isn't"
She says
"Ok then, sure you can take it with you"
I smile and say
"Thank you"
She gives me back all my document and I go to the place where they scan you. I go there and see an officer saying
"Please go through the scanner"
I nod and go through to see the scanner go off. The officer is about to scan me but I whisper
"Agent X-218, sent by Mr. Cain"
He immediately looks up at me and stops scanning me. I smirk as he hands me my luggage and says
"Go through"
I take my luggage and go to my station where I will be waiting for my plane. After twenty minutes, I hear over the intercom
The intercom turns off and I go to the airplane gate where the flight attendant scans my passport and let's me in. I take my luggage and go to my seat as I take my papers and start reading. I wonder, even with all my training, will I be able to betray my once friend?

Five hours later

It's now 8pm and we finally arrived in Portugal and we have finally landed. The pilot thanks us and wishes us a nice stay. We get off of the airplane and I walk towards towards the bathroom to wash my face and freshen up. My next flight is in thirty minutes, i am not allowed to take a break. The mission needs to get done. Once I finish freshening my, I leave the bathroom to go towards......Gate 12. Once I arrive to the Gate, it's already time so I just get in the flight and take my seat. Oh Hiraeth, I hope you get out of this situation before I find you.

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