S3 Ch.10 The Return

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Cannonbolt: "Oh man. What do you have against Fourarms?"

Fenrir: "Ready for round two wolfie?"

The wolf growls at Y/n. Y/n and the wolf lounge at each other, colliding in the air. They hit the ground entwined with each other. The two snarling, clawing, and biting at each other like beasts. While Y/n is preoccupied with the wolf, Ben is dealing with the mummy and the Corodium it has.

However, neither fight lasts very long as the boys are then blasted by purple electricity. Knocking them to the feet of Max and the girls.

Fenrir: "What was that?"

Gwen: "Up there!"

Standing above them was Dr. Vicktor.

Dr. Vicktor: "I was told of the Omnitrix and the Ultimatrix, but you are not the only ones with the power to transform."

Before their very eyes, Dr. Vicktor began to change into his true form.

Cannonbolt: "We might be in trouble."

Vicktor jumps down from were he was and is immediately flanked by the mummy and the wolf. Meanwhile, Y/n and Ben take a defensive stance in front of Max and the girls.

Vicktor: "I want them eliminated before the launch!"

Vicktor raises his hand towards the group and sends purple lightning at them, but Hope quickly intercepts the lightning with a spell.

Hope: "Twista Combititus!"

A large, blue energy cobra appears and shields the group. However, Vicktor's attack is too powerful and sends the cobra into a decommissioned rocket thruster that was behind them. The impact causing the thruster to topple over on top of Max and the kids.

Thankfully, Cannonbolt's armored shell was able to protect everyone. The group climbs out of the rubble to find Vicktor and his minions gone. Once out of the rubble, Ben and Y/n time out.

Max: "I've got a really bad feeling that they're taking the Corodium out to that spacecraft."

Y/n: "What do we do, grandpa?"

Max: "We'll have to split up. The girls and I will stop the launch, while you and Ben deal with the good doctor."

Ben: "Sounds like a plan. If you need help, we'll be there as fast we can."

Gwen: "Sure thing, same goes for the both of you, okay?"

Y/n: "You got it."

With that, Max and the girls head off towards the space center while the boys follow Vicktor and the wolf. The boys follow the doctor into an underground lab under the scrapyard. There, the boys watch as Vicktor uses a large machine made out of rocket and shuttle parts to open a portal to New Mexico. They watch as the wolf is sent through, covering hundreds of miles in literal seconds. Eventually, the Omnitrix and Ultimatrix are recharged and ready for action.

Y/n: "Let's take old frankenfreak down."

Ben: "I got your back."

Swampfire: "You hit him first, I'll follow up. You got the speed, Ben."

XLR8: "And you got the muscle. Let's take him down."

Ben speeds off to the left while Y/n breaks to the right. Ben races towards the Franken doctor. As he gets close, Vicktor spins around and slams his fist into Ben sending him into a pile of scrap, at that moment Y/n leaps at Vicktor, but is blasted away by his lightning.

Vicktor: "You will not stop me. Even the two of you combined are to weak to even be a challenge."

The boys continue to fight Vicktor for a short time until he tries to get rid of them by opening a portal. However, Ben is able to throw a barrel into the portal, closing it, before they can be sucked in.

Vicktor: "You are resilient. But your presence changes nothing. All is ready. Observe."

Vicktor holds up a powerlift controller and presses one of the buttons. The lab begins to shake.

Swampfire: "The rocket is launching!"

XLR8: "Grandpa and the girls!"

Swampfire: "Its over Frankenfreak! You're plan will fail!"

Vicktor grabs hold of two purple rods that causes purple electricity to spark everywhere.

Vicktor: "Oh, it's not my plan. Oys the Master's. It always was."

Vicktor shoots the electricity into a machine above them that begins to engulf what appeared to be a large section of a stone path, suspended in the air.

XLR8: "The Master's?!"

Swampfire: "Who's the- wait a minute. I recognize that path."

Vicktor: "Yes. It is where you believe you destroyed my Master. You were wrong."

From the stone pathway black ooze began to collect in the air. And from it, and old foe returns.

Ghostfreak: "I live!"

Swampfire: "Ghostfreak!?"

Vicktor: "Master, all is prepared for your return."

XLR8: "How can this be? We watched him fry with our own eyes."

At that moment, Ben and Y/n timed out. Ghostfreak floated closer to the boys.

Ghostfreak: "We have a score to settle boys!"

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