S2 Ch.23

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Our favorite old man and preteens were at the table of the Rustbucket enjoying a meal that Max had made.

Max: "Well, what do you think? Bet you never tasted anything like that before."

Cass: "Its actually pretty good."

Y/n: "And its spicy, just how I like my food."

Max: "Glad to hear it you two."

Ben: "What's the crunchy stuff?"

Max: "Dung Beetles."

All the kids go rigid and spit out their food. Gwen and Cass both run to the sink where they start to vomit. Y/n, being ever the gentleman that he is, gets up and goes over to the girls and runs their backs to help comfort them, while also keeping their hair out of their faces.

Max: "Huh, must have added to much cinnamon."

Ben: "Yeah, that's definitely where it went wrong, Grandpa."

Suddenly, an alarm goes off in the Rustbucket. A screen comes down over the table and displays an image to Max.

 A screen comes down over the table and displays an image to Max

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Max: "No."

Ben: "Grandpa, what is it?"

Max: "The mask of Apuk. It's the key to the most powerful and destructive weapon ever created."

Next thing they know, Max is driving passed the Texas border.

Max: "The mask of Apuk is the guide to the sword of Echtua. The plumbers searched for it for decades without any luck."

Y/n: "Echtua? You dont mean the Mayan God of War?! That Echtua!"

Max: "Right on the money, Y/n."

Cass: "I dont get it, what's the big deal?"

Y/n: "Echtua was said to have a sword so unbelievably powerful, that a single swing could level entire cities."

Max: "You've done your homework, Y/n."

Ben: "Sounds like the perfect toy the most powerful eleven year old boy should have."

Y/n: "I humbly accept the gift Ben."

Cass and Gwen laugh as Ben glares at Y/n, but is quickly stopped by Max.

Max: "This is no laughing matter! Whoever controls the sword controls the destiny of mankind, and I will not let it fall into the wrong hands."

Ben, Gwen, Cass, and Y/n share a worried look at Max's words and his change in demeanor.

They arrive at an oil field and are looking at the main office building.

Max: "Bet they're keeping it in the basement. Ben-"

Cass: "Actually, I can be in and out before anyone even knows I'm there."

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