Open Waters

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(Some of these stories may be canonical to past oneshots, this one is not.)

"Hey Susie!" A certain deer lady greeted her lizard friend.

"Oh. Hey Noelle. How's it going?"

"Good, you're probably wondering why I'm not with Kris are you?"

"No. Didn't think much of it. Really just thought you were-"

And skidding down the hallway on a skateboard playing a catchy flute loop came the unconfined mass of band kid energy, and only human in town, Kris Dreemurr.

"Sup fuckers?" He asked as his skateboard practically flew into his hands as he put his woodwind to his side.

"Oh, hey Kris!"

"Hey. So like, Susie. Funny story for me and Noelle, and you're in this."

The smartest of the three's arms started flailing about and she went into a nervous wreck. "Wh- Kris I- did- w- we weren't supposed to tell her yet!" Susie leaned in and tossed her toothpick aside. "Tell me what?" She asked their cervine friend.

Kris looked at the melting down friend of his. "Oh this is gonna be good."

Noelle began to mutter and sputter and fall to pieces, I rule she snapped like a candy cane. "WE THINK YOU'RE HOT!"

Susie was confused.

"Eh?" She raised an eyebrow.

Kris shot a glance at her through his hair. "We both like you's what she's saying."

"W-well hang on now," she got defensive, "how in the god damn- how- three people in a relationship? How does that work?"

"I dunno. But if we likes it and each other I guess it works." Kris played a lick on his flute.

"I need to perform some maintenance on this."

Noelle finally gained composure. "Yeah.. Susie.. we both like you and each other."

"Wow. I'm at the center of a love triangle. Noelle, Kris.. could we please go somewhere other than school for this? I need to like, get my grip on everything and.. could we go to the diner tomorrow?"

Noelle lit up, "Yeah! Of course we can!"

Kris pulled out his phone. "If I'm not doing anything yeah. Probably not gonna do anything cuz mom's out of town visiting her aunt or something. Funeral this, I could care less."

"Huh. Well, guess I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"Great! Goodbye Susie!" The doe waved goodbye to her tall lizard friend and walked home with her human friend.

Kris looked at his girlfriend and pulled on the cord to his hoodie, "Well, we can only expect the worst which is her saying no. But the good news is, we still have each other, don't we?"

"Yep. You're right about that, Kris." He pulled his hood down and blew the hair out of his face. "Great. You wanna go back to my place and like, watch a movie? Mom's outta town."

"Yeah. I'm not busy."

"Just look at us." He put his arms out and pointed at himself and his Hometown's favorite daughter, and the Dreemurr's adopted outcast child."

Two fingers found their way onto their boyfriend's cheek and pinched it. "Daw, you're cute when I can see your eyes." She kissed his cheek shortly thereafter.

Kris went red and put his hand where her lips met. "G-gee.. thanks."

Noelle opened the door to Kris' place. "So what movie should we watch?"

Deltarune Oneshots Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora