"Sleep Paralysis"

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Kris awoke and his body was stiff. Stiff as cardboard.

'Ah fuck,' he thought, 'I'm having sleep paralysis.' He's read about experiences on Reddit forums, and watched videos on it. He generally wasn't scared of anything except the unknown, but he was shaking in his bed right now. He had heard that during paralysis people have been visited by otherworldly sights. Shadow people, phantoms, dead relatives, and other manner of paranormal entities. This chilled Kris to his core.

'What if I see something so horrifying I dare not describe it??' Kris began flitting around in his head full of worry. 'I don't wanna see some eldritch horror. I don't wanna see Dagon, I don't wanna see Nyarlathotep, I don't wanna see a Skinwalker or a wendigo, I wanna see nothing but the blackness of sleep.'

He couldn't move at all. He tried as he could but to no avail. He was scared of what could visit him in the night.

Luckily, he went back to sleep and never encountered Cthulu or any lovecraftian horror.

"So anyways, you know how people get sleep paralysis Nol?" Kris asked his friend.

"Yeah? I've had sleep paralysis before and I was visited by a shadow monster. It was extremely harrowing. I was scared for my life. You're pretty lucky not to encounter any demons. Or horrifying entities."

"I guess I am. Most, if not all the people I've heard had sleep paralysis are horribly scarred by it."

"I'd prefer not to remember it, but, what the hell am I gonna do? Not remember?"


Kris pulled out a sandwich and started eating it. "Hey, it's not lunchtime yet silly billy!" With a mouthful of ham and mustard, he replied "I was hungry."

"Well, whatever then. Does it taste good?"

He swallowed his bite. "I can keep it down and eat it. It's good enough. And aren't we skipping PE class?"

"Yeah. They said we were playing football in there. I'm not the greatest at playing that, and last time I punted the ball I broke it." She chuckled, "who knew my legs were so strong?"

"Well you're like, what, the captain of the cross country team? You beat me in just about any race ever."

"Yep. I'm a pretty good runner."

Kris balled up the foil his sandwich was in, "Hey, do you know where a trash can is?" He asked, "I need to throw this away."

"Yeah, it's just over there."

Kris got up and threw the ball into the trash can and looked up at the sky. "Sure is blue out today. What with it being spring. It's mild too."

"Yeah. I never thought I'd be spending a class period with you on the roof. But hey, there's a first time for everything."

"I suppose."

Noelle stood with her back against the fence of the roof. She reached into her pocket looking for her phone but felt a key. "Hey, why'd you give me your house key again?"

"Noelle you are my best friend. We're adults now, and there's a level of trust I have in you to come over (when I am home) whenever you want. Also, I just like hanging out with you."

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