Vmin- Together We Make One

Start from the beginning

"Two weeks?!" Taehyung asked, panicking. "Your eyes are extremely sensative to light, so there's a bandage over your eyes to protect them. Every day for two weeks you will get eye drops for your eyes and some cream for the swelling. It's going to hurt for the first week, but by week three you should be able to see." The nurse told him. "Because of your age and the fact your body's now used to not seeing, we're going to keep you here for the two weeks to make sure everything goes well." She added on. "My age? I'm young!" Taehyung was freaking out, he wanted to hold Jimin's hand.

He was his eyes, and he was Jimin's ears. Together they made a full person, they needed each other. Jimin told Taehyung they were a pirate.

"Yes but when children are born blind or lose their vision completely, usually we host a surgery to fix it if possible as soon as we can " The nurse awkwardly explained. "Can I see Jimin?" Taehyung asked, feeling around for a blanket. He found one, but it wasn't very soft. "He needs to stay in a quiet room, but he is next door if you wanted to know." The nurse walked closer. "I'm going to give you something to help with the pain over the next few hours." She told him, pushing the medicine into his IV.


6 Days Later

"Taehyung, it okay." Jimin held Taehyung carefully. The medicine for his eyes hurt him more than the doctors thought.

Unfortunately, the first thing Jimin heard were birds chirping. It was beautiful, he cried for hours and hearing his own voice. Every time someone spoke he was fascinated, he would never have to sign again. He was so excited and happy, he loved hearing every small detail of everything in the hospital. He went on walks to talk to the sick children, even the elderly and wished them happy recoveries if they were recovering. He skipped in the halls, every day felt like he was in a utopia.

(Jungkook taught me words of my own language I never even knew. I know BTS knows more english than me)

He was speaking all the time, and the awkward, heavy slur he had when he spoke deaf was gone. He loved his own voice, it was soft and cute in his opinion.

But now, he had to hear Taehyung cry. He was only halfway through recovery, and he broke down at least twice a day. It made Jimin feel incredibly guilty; he had his life, and Taehyung didn't. He was being held back, and Jimin hated it.

"Shh Taehyungie, don't cry, I'm right here." Jimin hugged Taehyung tighter, threading his hand through his hair. Some of it was under the bandage so he set it free. "Jiminie I want to see you!" Taehyung sobbed against his chest. Every tear that left his eyes sent pain all over, stabbing his face, it felt like. He tried to stop because of it, but he was crying from the pain now. "I know baby, I do." Jimin kissed his head. "Just a few more days, and it'll all be better, I promise." He had tears in his eyes, he didn't like Taehyung crying. It hurt him. "P-promise?" Taehyung reached his pinky out straight. "I pinky promise." Jimin guided his hand closer and locked their pinkies. "Okay..." Taehyung sniffled, keeping their hands together.

"Taehyungie, I'm here for you, always." Jimin whispered, rocking them back and forth softly. "I won't leave you- even if this doesn't work Taehyungie, I'll still love you the same." He held his head against the chest. Taehyung cuddled against him.

"I love you, Taehyung, not like. Love is forever, forever and ever. It's a promise, and I'm going to keep it."

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