"Masa." I don't know why my voice was all shaky when I called out his name. He turned slowly to look at me and raised his eyebrows as if annoyed from being interrupted. The girl turned white when she realized who I was. She immediately pushed herself away from Masa.

"P Vee kub. Uh. I'm sorry. I'll go now." She hurriedly walked away leaving Masa and me staring at each other.

"What?" He barked at me before lighting up a cigarette to put in his pretty mouth. I don't even know that he smokes. No, he never smokes before. I'm sure of that.

"You smoke now?"

"What about it?" He inhaled deep in his cigarette and blew the smoke out of his mouth in my direction. He still has that gloomy aura in him as he stares back at me with his unusually cold eyes.

"What happened to you?" I asked stepping more closer that I can now inhale his cigarettes. He leaned the back of his head to the wall as he smiled staring up the night sky.

"What is it to you? Didn't we broke up already?" His lack of honorifics to me as his senior bothered me. Ever since he came back from Japan, he was talking to me rudely like this.

"Nong, you were acting weird ever since you came back from your vacation. You are not your usual self. What happened to you? Or are you just retaliating because of our break up? Can we talk about this?" I was now closer to him than before. He removed his gazed from the stars to look at me. There was no trace of smile on his face this time.

"You are just like Saya, P."

"Huh? Whose Saya?"

"What's wrong with you people? How many times do I have to say that when you guys break up with me, then break up with me! End the story right away! Why do you keep on coming back? For what? To throw me some pity?" I can smell the alcohol from his breath. Is he drunk? He was already stuttering a little. I don't even understand half of what he was talking about. Saya who?

"Well I don't need your pity! I can survive this on my own! So back off already! Hottoite yo!" He was so loud that people that were passing by started staring at us again. Masa glared and flicked his fingers at them making them go away. It was now evident that he was drunk as he swayed on his feet when he tried to moved from the wall where he was leaning for support.

"Careful." I grabbed on his arms to prevent him from falling to the ground. I put my other hand to support him in his waist, pulling him up to stand. He turned his head to look at me, his eyes half close from drunkenes.

"Huh! You! You care for niisama? You care for me now? HaHa!" He started making faces while his fingers kept on pointing at my face. I helped him walk towards my car. This nong needs to go home now. Problem is I do not know where he lives.

In three months time that we dated, I have never offered myself to take him home after class. Not even once. He was also discreet not to push it to me. He always respected our boundaries. I told him I'm not ready to let my parents know about us. So I don't know where this kid lives.

"Oi! Where are you taking me? I can go home on my..." I slammed the door at the front seat of my car before he could even finish complaining.

"Where do you live? I'm taking you home." I asked while I started driving us out of the pub's parking lot.

"Huh? Nani? You do not know? Hontou?" He twitched his body from the car seat to look at me. His eyes unbelieving. Why does he keep on inserting Japanese words in between his sentence? It becomes annoying as I do not understand any of it.

"In three months you haven't taken nii, me home?" He continued leaning his face closer to mine. I can smell the mixture of his cologne with the alcohol and cigarettes he took. It was strangely an alluring scent. Damn!

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