Part 2, Chapter 8

Start from the beginning

I can't believe what just happened.

L was gone forever. And Luigi....he lied to me. He gave me hope. But why? It's probably because he needed my help. How could I be so stupid. How could I let him manipulate me so easily. Was I really that blind?!

I should have attacked him right then and there. But I was to blinded by emotions to even do anything. 

.....No. That wasn't Luigi up there. The book, that stupid stupid book already took control over him. 

I have to save him.

I tried standing up, but immediately fell back down. I was feeling light headed. Everything hurt.

I curled up and started shivering. My heart, beating fast. 

No one was around.

I slowly took my mask off and inspected it. No cracks, thank Grambi. I wiped a few tears from my face and put it back on. Even when alone I felt so exposed and unsafe without my mask.

Next, I inspected my hat. I gently ripped it off, and held it in front of me.

My dark black hair fell over my masked face and gently moved with the breeze.

"Oh no...." I muttered.

My hat was completely destroyed. Rips all over. I sighed and threw it to the ground. It looked just like the rest of me.


I sighed. This is not how I saw things going. I guess even I can't predict everything. 

I still should have seen that coming. I probably could have seen it coming if I wasn't so blinded by his trust in me.

About a day later, I teleported myself into the nearest town. I walked in, grabbing everyone's attention. I could see by their stares that they thought I was a ghost or something. I was in a place called Evershade Valley, and apparently ghosts here weren't that uncommon. I looked that bad. I put my jesters cap back on, but there was really no point, since it was so badly torn.

This was a pretty remote town out in the woods, so I'm hoping none of them will turn me in.

I walked straight into the nearest store and marched up the the counter. "I need clothes." I stated. The cashier looked up at me, and let me tell you, they looked like they had seen a ghost.

They slowly pointed over to the clothes isle. I bowed my head to show appreciation and walked over.

Even my shoes were destroyed. I'd have to replace everything.

This store didn't really have anything in my style, so I'd have to make this work. I found a pair of black boots with a golden trim at the top, some black leggings, a black tank top undershirt, and a dark purple hooded poncho. I couldn't find anything else that would cover my hair, so the hood would have to do for now. When I looked in the mirror I could barely recognize myself. I looked so different. If it weren't for the mask, I'd probably be completely unrecognizable. My neck and arms were exposed now, showing my grey skin, but I couldn't find anything to cover them up with. I'd just have to hide my arms in my poncho whenever possible.

I left the changing room, and payed the shopkeeper a large stack of coins. Money was never an issue for me since I could just snap my fingers and grab some. Once I got outside, I looked down at my old, ruined outfit. I closed my eyes and sighed before discarding it in a nearby trash bin. I had no use for it now, but it served me well.

May it rest in tattered pieces.

As for the cuts all over my arms and legs, I wrapped them up. I decided not to waste my magic on them and just let them heal naturally. Plus, the less magic I used around here, the less likely people would become suspicious of me.

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