Chapter VI

15 2 0

There was a whole announcement thing. I didn't listen to it but I did get a gold medallion that was around my neck right now. I was given the reward in a bag which I used Appraisal to make sure it was the real thing. Instead of being two small gold and one large silver. It was a bunch of small silvers in a bag. After that, I left the arena with my family and Liz's family since we all live in the same place because of the sponsorship.

   The reason why I fought at the end was to show that I actually can fight and don't just bluff my way through. I'm now a level 8 from those battles.

Name: Alexander Lv. 8
Sex: M                     Age: 13
Race: Human (Fallen)
        Titles                     Hidden Titles
  Champion of Chaos          More (+)
Wrath's Representative

HP 670/670 MP 2,120/2,120
SP 650/650

Neutral Chaotic

     VIT 15    (+32)       STR 27 (+47)
DEF 34   (+38)       AGI 24 (+39)
MAG 22 (+170)      INT 31 (+26)
WIL 12 (+97)        LUK 40 (+29)

(P) Execution Lv. 1
(P) Power Strike Lv. 1
(P|M) Shadow Strike
(S) Ruthless Strikes Lv. 1
(Disabled-Hidden +)

      Passive Abilities
   Detection Field Lv. Max (3)
   Aura of Wrath
   Soul Absorption Lv. Max (5)
   Appraisal Block
   Enhanced Body (-)
- Energy Surge (Locked)
      - Night Vision (Locked)
      - Cold-Hearted
- Neutral Blood (Locked)
- Animalistic Instincts
- Rapid Regeneration

                          Combat Skills
      Fire Magic              HtH Combat
      Ice Magic          Swordsmanship
      Shadow Magic
Null Magic
Electric Magic
(Disabled-Hidden +)

   Sadly none of my abilities leveled up, but after beating Liz I felt a lot of appraisal attempts. Those people all yelping in pain after the attempt. I made sure to keep it active the whole time.


   The top three of the tournament were invited to a party? I was forced to go even if I didn't want to, I had to don a suit to that party. On the other hand, the food was very exotic, even though exotic it barely tasted good. I had to choke down the food because this was the only thing I was getting for dinner.

   Liz was anxious about the party. I mean she did ask me to be her dance partner. I accepted since I wouldn't have anyone else to dance with. Selendis and Sophia had excused themselves and did some other thing.

   When I entered I heard a piano beautifully being played. Everyone was elegantly dressed as expected, but I was the center of the attention. It didn't help that Liz was holding my arm right against her chest. I was barraged by questions.

   "What level is your Intimidation ability!"

   "Did you cheat against Ms. Sunrider!"

   "Who trained you!"

   Those were the only ones I heard clearly. I looked to Liz who nodded. "My Intimidation ability evolved and no longer can level up. Instead, it goes off of my willpower, strength, and current level. I did not cheat against Elizabeth. I've broken her training sword with the same ability. That ability is called Power Strike. I was trained by my Father, but mostly self-taught."

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