Chapter 19: Preperation For Fixing The Next Wither With A Slight Distraction

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-Luna's POV (Child Soul)-

A few hours go by and I finally wake up it was around 12am and I realized I had to keep my promise and fix the others. Gabriel was still fast asleep holding me around my torso right below my breasts making me blush quite a bit I don't think I'd ever get use to it.

I wanted to move and start fixing the others but I didn't wanna wake Gabe so I just waited a little bit until I started to get anxious. So with that I gently nudge the sleeping ghost boy receiving a whimperish groan from him

Gabriel: "No"

Luna: "Gabe it's time to get up or you could rest in Freddy with out me because I'm not tired anymore and I wanna get to repairing our friends' suits"

Gabriel: "Nooo just a little longer"

Luna: "Goddamnit fuck me for thinking your so cute"

I then flip over and hold him as he slept making him smirk against me in his sleep. I let a few more minutes which ended up being an hour that's when the others that I told about repairing chica next came in. So it was just Toy Luna, Toy Chica, and Marionette. I could tell they were confused on why my animatronic Luna was still deactivated.

So with that I whisper up to Marionette

Luna: "Charlie help me"

She just giggles

Charlotte: "Looks like someone is trapped beneath Gabriel"

Luna: "Sh-Shut up, That's why Luna isn't activated"

Charlotte: "Let me guess you don't wanna push him off"

Luna: "I can't bring myself to. H-He's to cute and don't wanna wake him, so help me"

Charlotte: "That's your problem"

Luna: *sighs* "Fine"

I then try to wiggle free only making him whimper

Gabriel: "Nooo"

Luna: "Fuck...see what I mean"

Charlotte: "Ok that's just cute he doesn't wanna let you go or have you leave him"

Luna: "I know and that's my problem I keep giving in"

Charlotte: "Just gently push him back into Freddy you 2 are literally right next to your animatronics"

Luna: *sighs* "Ok"

I then whisper to him "Sorry Gabe I'm just not tired anymore and I need to fix the others" I then do just as what Charlie said and once I got him back into Freddy I possess Luna making her activate

-Withered Luna/Luna's POV-

Luna had finally possessed me and gave me the ok to move finally it was really annoying that she wouldn't. Anyways I was lucky that My toy version, Toy Chica and Marionette were already here so web could start to work right away but she was still not letting me speak but talking with Charlotte

Marionette (Charlotte): "You did it lulu"

Withered Luna (Luna): "That was hard...T^T

Marionette (Charlotte): "Haha it wasn't that hard"

Withered Luna (Luna): "To me it was I easily give into Gabe then before I knew it it's already 1am"

Marionette (Charlotte): "Which honestly only makes your relationship with Gabriel even cuter"

Withered Luna (Luna): *blushes hardcore* "Sh-Shut up"

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