"W-why..? What's wrong, Nee-San?" She tilted her head, her arms wrapped around her plushie tightly, she could feel the fear that radiated off her older sister.

"Everyone is burning, Momaru! We can't stay here or we'll be next!" The older sister panicked, the tattoo on their foreheads glowing a bit with the blue dots. She was rushing around the room gathering blankets and cloths that they might need in a bag that can be wrapped around her shoulder.

Now rushing out into the front lawn, the flames were roaring ahead of them, scorching the ground in front of them.

They're village was surrounded by a giant wall guarding and protecting them, the only way out was the front gates that let people in and keep people out. But it was also a curse right now that kept people locked in if a enemy blocked their escape.

The older sister was rushing through the building filled flames, people were scrambling around trying to get away from their unknown enemy. Her bare feet burning with each step, ash tainting her pale skin as she ran. People around them were being shot at random, their screams filled the sister's ears.

Wrapping her sister in the blankets that she rolled up in, she covered her face to block out the terrorizing sights that were happening around them. It was pure chaos and terror.

"Takeo!! TAKEO! WHERE ARE YOU!?" A shout erupted into the flaming air. The older sister stopped in her tracks and took in her lost breath. Her eyes darting around her in a panic filled motion. Her arms tightening her hold on Mamoru.

"Dad!? WHERE ARE YOU!? I can't see you!!" The older girl shouted out, she felt her voice crack at the panic that filled her mind.

A lanky tall man in Jonin wear and chocolate colored hair just as the younger sister had, a headband on his shoulder but close to his elbow. He had a bloody wound crossing from his shoulder across his chest. He came running through the crowd, shoving away anybody in his way to his children. As he made it in front of his children, he knelt down on one knee, sheathing his blade back onto his hip.

"Are you girls okay..!? Any injuries..!?" He traced his hand around their body checking their health and situation. His face relaxed from the hard look from earlier as he let out a breath he held as soon as he saw them.

"Yep! We're both all good, I came out to run for it with Mamoru. Where's momma??" Takeo questioned, leaning into his hand that held both their cheeks gently.

"She's already out fighting along with the other Senken users in the clan to defend the village. Don't worry, you'll see her not too soon." He said with a gentle smile, as his amber eyes squinted with his smile.

"Momma's kicking butt isn't she?" Takeo giggled.

"Yes, I feel sorry for whoever crosses her path along with her group of Senken users." The father laughed nervously, already sending a quiet prayer for a quick death for them.

"Come on, we better get to the safe haven." The father grabbed hold of the older daughter's hand and started jogging across the fire raging buildings and screaming citizens.

Once they made it close to the gate, a large towering flame erupted in front of it. A horde of darkly cloaked men flew out of the flames, their hoods shadowing their faces, hiding any emotion they might show as they started slaughtering the screaming people.

Three of them came dashing towards the little family as they pointed their swords out to them.

"Hand the Senken users over, and we'll spare you... Maybe." One of the larger cloaked men growled out the statement, tilting his cloaked head towards the little girls that hid behind the father.

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