Day 7

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"Oh, fucking hell."

You're waking up now, slowly and painfully. Your head hurts and there's pulsing behind your eyes as you squeeze the bridge of your nose. The sun is out and high, shining through your blind as you stir.

"Nothing happened." It's Sebastian trying to whisper as he talks. "I walked her home, I didn't have your numbers so I stayed. On the floor. I'm just going to get her some water ready and I'll go."

"No, no, don't do that." It's Chloe now.

"Do what?"

"Be all perfect, I'm supposed to hate you."

"You can hate me all you like." He says, his voice further away now. "I just don't want Y/N to."

"Then you need to talk to her."

"I tried. You can't force someone to listen if they don't want to hear what you have to say." His voice is different today, it's low and almost sad.

"Well, you're here now."

"I'll sort her out a drink and I'll go." He says and they fall silent, the floorboards of the landing below squeaking as they both walk away from your room.

It smells of grease and alcohol around you and you see the pizza box by the far wall, almost throwing up at the thought of eating it.

He comes back up the stairs with a glass of water and a box of paracetamol.

"Morning." You manage and he nearly jumps.

"Sorry, did I wake you?"

You sit up now, running a hand through your hair and it's sticky. You try avoiding the mirror behind him, not wanting to look at yourself.

"No. I was already awake."

He looks at you now, as if worried about what else you might have heard but you don't say anything.

"Just wanted to give you these and I'll go." You take the glass and box from him, hands almost shaking as you do. "Chloe said you use paracetamol for hangovers."

"Thanks." You say as you take them. "And thank you for last night."

"It's okay. I was heading back to the hotel."

"I guessed. Right place at the right time?" You say, sipping at the water. It's slightly warm but you don't say anything.

"Just like the first night." He says, grabbing his jacket off the floor.

"Yeah." Your stomach is unsettled, hungry and put off food all at the same time. He's giving you butterflies again as he looks down at you, neither sure of what to say next.

But you want him to talk, to explain himself. And you want to listen.

"About that girl?" You say, closing your eyes as you drink now as if that will help you.

"Do you want to know? Because I can go."

"I want to understand it."

"Okay." He comes to sit at the end of the bed, close but not touching. "I'm not with her. There are people who want me to be though. They're important people. It's like another job, a casting. We get together and no one expects it to go anywhere but it's good for publicity."

You sit with your hands balancing on your knees as you listen. Trying to stop them from shaking but you can't.

"I'm supposed to be meeting her in London before I go."

"So, you don't get a say?" You ask, not fully understanding what he's saying.

"Kind of. But, it's hard."

Just Two Weeks || Sebastian Stan x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя