Day 2 - Afternoon

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You're getting ready in your mirror, overanalysing everything you try on. It's early in the afternoon so you don't want to overdress but now you know he's a pretty big deal, you at least want to be seen making some sort of effort.

Chloe comes up the stairs, almost more excited than you are.

"What are you wearing? That?"

It's a dress as it's been quite humid during the last signs of summer, even though it's technically autumn. It's not too dissimilar to what you wore last night, a little shorter maybe but the sleeves are longer.

"It's a dress, Chloe, it's fine."

"Well yeah. That's two days in a row now, Y/N."

"I'd rather be in jeans and a hoodie." You say getting your Converse on as you sit on the end of the bed.

"Do it. He might be more interested in me, then. Is he coming to pick you up?"

"Maybe." You're tying your shoelaces now as the doorbell rings. "Don't you dare, Chloe."

She's gone in a flash and you jump off the bed to chase her. Your untied shoe a disadvantage as you try running down the stairs but she's reached the front door before you've even made it out of your room.

"Oh, hi. You must be Sebastian." You hear her says as you reach the top of the stairs, looking down towards the door and just being able to see Chloe's feet.

"Hi, yeah, is Y/N here?"

"Yep. She's just making herself presentable."

"Hi, sorry Sebastian. This is Chloe, the one that woke you up this morning."

"Nice to meet you, Chloe."

They shake hands in the door as you decide to tie your final shoelace.

"Can't believe you pulled Sebastian Stan." She says as she turns to face you. "The Sebastian Stan."

He's shaking his head behind her, pulling a face of modest disagreement as she goes on.

"I didn't bring any flowers this time. I limit myself to a bunch a day. Hope that's okay." He says with a smile.

"I wasn't expecting any." You say, because you didn't. Rachel had put the last ones in a vase for you as you didn't own one and they sat on the dining table for everyone to see.

They'd probably press them and keep them forever if they could.

"What have you two got planned then?" Chloe asks as you reach the door.

"She's going to show me the wall."

"The wall?"

"She's my personal tour guide. I've got her for the next two weeks." He says moving to the side so that there's enough room on the step for the two of you to stand on.

"I hope you tip well."

"I'm closing the door now, bye Chloe."

"She seems nice." He says as you both head down the street towards the wall. It was busy now, students heading in and out of town as they rush to get sorted before university actually started.

"She's okay. I mean, I chose to live with her so it's my own fault really. So how was your fitting?"

"It was fine for a fitting."

"What's it for?" You ask, intrigued as to how the industry works.

"It's for a charity gala. Gotta look my best when I try and get people to spend their money."

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