Day 12 - Afternoon

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Running late, be around 30 mins?

You'd finished your lecture early and walked home in the sun. There was a slight chill to the wind so you hugged your arms and wished you'd bought a thicker jacket. It was that awkward few weeks between seasons, where no one's really sure what the weather's doing and it doesn't have any better ideas itself. 

There were already students heading to the Union and would probably spend the remainder of the afternoon enjoying cheap drinks and games of pool. You on the other hand didn't know what you had planned, but that you'd be with Sebastian and that suited you perfectly.

When you got in Rachel came out of her room as if she hadn't been waiting for you, surprised that you'd arrived just in time for her to fetch a drink from the kitchen.

"She is happy for you, you know." She says about Chloe who doesn't finish until four so you would hopefully still avoid her.

"I know. She just sucks a showing it." You say as you let the kettle's boil hiss around you.

"She's always like that though. It's just worst this time because, well, it's kind of a big deal."

"I know that."

"So what are you two doing tonight then?" She asks, grabbing some cups from the cupboard.

"I actually have no idea. It's getting harder now, he's got some last-minute things to fit in so I don't know if we'll see a lot of each other before he goes." You say almost pouting as you measure spoonfuls of brown granules and sugar.

"That fucking sucks."

"I'll just make the most of it. Whatever we get." You pour the milk now, not wanting to burn the coffee with the water.

There's a knock at the door as the kettle stops shaking, steam streaming beneath the cabinets as it finishes.

"I'll do these," Rachel says as you go to answer.

"Hi," Sebastian says as you open the door, lips pursed as he looks at you, bringing his arms out to the front of his body so you can get a good look at him. 

The denim is light and you swear you have something similar in your room, except yours has sleeves. His are frayed at his shoulders as if he ripped them off himself and it stops short of his waist. You think you can make out the outline of petals on his buttons and he sees your eyes squint. 

"Yes, I think it's for women. It's the only one they had." 

Then you notice his arms, some patterns on his skin that definitely weren't there before. 

"Again, the only ones I could find. A shop called Claire's... I don't know." 

You can see what's meant to be a skull but he's put too much water on the transfer and the design has slipped when he's peeled it off, so it's slightly torn and the forehead is curled. 

You smile at him, sucking in your laughs as he pouts at you. 

"Don't worry, I have some tattoos for you as well. There are butterflies and a unicorn and some writing I can't make out. Oh, and we have some clovers." He passes you the sheets as he pushes past you and towards the sound of metal echoing against ceramic.

"You're a dork." You say, following him into the kitchen. 

"But I made you smile." 

Rachel helps you pick out tattoos for your arms, green leaves on one and a poorly transferred unicorn on the other. 

"Perfect." She says, dabbing them dry with some kitchen towel. "What have you got planned then, Seb?" 

He's sat by the table, drinking a can of Kopperberg, the only alcohol that wasn't kept in Chloe's bedroom. You can see him lick at his teeth before talking, sugar already coating them from the couple of mouthfuls he'd managed. 

"Karaoke." He says looking at you. 

You're walking up the hill next to your street now, arm hooked around his as you laugh into his shoulder, cheeks warm against his arm. 

"At least you don't look like you're in a biker gang." He says. 

"That's fair. You know The George only does karaoke on a Thursday, right? I think it's curry night on Monday, maybe some football." 

"Well, we'll see won't we." 

When you get into the pub it's empty and Rich is rushing behind the bar, towel in hand as he potters with glasses and packets of peanuts. 

"Hey Rich," Sebastian says as if he knows him. 

"Oh, uh, hey Seb. Hey guys." Rich mutters between tinkering as if they're good friends. 

You're confused now, looking at Seb as you walk towards the bar, trying to figure out what you might have missed. 

"So, uh, please don't break anything. This took a lot of begging." Rich says. "I have to tell you, not that I don't trust you, but there's no cash kept on the premises. At the moment. Not that you'd steal it or anything. And well, the drinks are all here. I don't think you can drink as much as you've paid for so, we shouldn't have a problem there, I don't think. I was meant to stay, but I think that would be weird." 

"Rich, you can stay if you'd like." Seb's voice is calm as he speaks. "We won't mind." 

"I'll be upstairs. That way, if you need anything, I'm there." Rich smiles, taking one last look at the bar as if to remember what it looks like for later.

"What's happening?" You ask as Rich leaves through the door next to the toilets.

"It's all yours. Well ours, for the night." He spreads his arms wide and spins on the spot.

"All of it?" 

"All of it. Pool table, karaoke, TV, that jukebox. Whatever you wanna do. And the alcohol, obviously." When you go to open your mouth to say something he carries on talking. "On one condition."

"Oh god, are we only allowed to sing Hungry Eyes or something?" 

"Two conditions, then. That and you have to invite Rachel and Chloe. Well, you can invite anyone you like really, but they're a must." You sigh, still enjoying the empty pub. "I know it's been tough but friends argue. It's what we do. But this way, you get to enjoy time with me and them, without having to pick. And we can have tomorrow night all to ourselves." 

"Fine, I'll text them. But I want some ABBA as well." 

"Fine. Tell them they have to wear some tatts, too. No tatts, no entry." He pulls you into a kiss once you've asked them, lips soft but fingers almost gripping the sides of your face. "A bit of me wants them to say no." He breathes against your mouth as he pulls away slightly. He tastes of the cider he had in the house, sweet and sticky as you lick your lips at his hints. 

Your phone goes off as he kisses you again, mouth open to invite your tongue inside. You pull away with a giggle. 

"I bet this is them." You say, giving him a small peck before checking your messages. 


On our way x

Just Two Weeks || Sebastian Stan x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt