Day 8

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What you doing Saturday?x 


Where do you want me to show you around now? x


Um does that mean you're free?


My answer completely depends on what you have planned x


Do you want to come to the gala with me? x

I was going to ask you in person but didn't want you thinking it was romantic or anything 

Apparently we're allowed guests, and I don't have anyone so...?

Usually I'd take Mackie


Oh so it's not romantic? Yeah, sorry, I think I'm waxing Chloe's legs on Saturday


So I'll put your name down right?


Fine. But only so you don't look lonely x

Also what am I supposed to wear?



I usually wear clothes. They go down well x


I'm sorry, was that sarcasm? Are you trying to be sarcastic over text? x


Kind of walked into that one. Dress. Wear a dress. 


Is that an order? x


Maybe x

You lock your phone and listen to your lecturer wrap up the class. The first few weeks are always so light and you usually use them to get ahead, ready for when you have to think about your dissertation. 

You say your goodbyes and head home, talking with some of your classmates as you walk. They discuss their plans for the weekend. They haven't got around to asking you by the time you reach your house so you say goodbye and tell them to enjoy their days off. 

"Chloe!" You shout as you get in.

"What?! What's wrong?" She comes running from the kitchen. 

"I've been asked to go to the charity thing with Seb." 

"Don't do that again!" She almost hits you with the towel. "I thought something bad had happened." 

"This is bad. What the fuck do I wear?!" 


"Yeah, oh." 

"When is it?" She asks.

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