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His Best Kept Secret

Chapter 17

Both Todoroki and Bakugo received a week's suspension following the fight from the Summer Dance. Y/N was safely brought home away from any alphas. With the scent of the omega gone, both males were able to see out of their rut and taken off school grounds.

The teachers of the U.A gathered in the conference room. The meeting consisted of Nezu, the principal, Aizawa, Midnight, Recovery Girl, and Snipe.

"Two Alphas fighting over an omega is a common thing," Midnight points out.

"Not at U.A., we've never had an omega student before, " Snipe interjects.

"Miss Y/N was accepted in the hero course for her use of quirk and skills. Her being an omega should not be a factor, " Aizawa states with tired eyes.

"It doesn't become a factor till the two of your top students are being suspended for fighting over said Omega," Nezu claims, his beady eyes looking over his staff.

"Is there a way to suppress her heat before it arrives?" Snipe asks Recovery Girl.

"Not unless you want to disrupt her whole chemical system. Omega's go into heat for one purpose. And as much as we distaste the idea of hormonal young adults, we can't take away their natural instincts. A shot is temporary, suppressants are temporary, if you really want to distinguish an omega's heat, give her an alpha, " the older woman advises.

"Are you saying we need to just let the alphas at her?" Aizawa inquires skeptically.

"Not just any alpha, but her alpha. Her mate."

"Wouldn't that cause a distraction for the mated pair? I have an omega myself, but I couldn't imagine being with him while training to be a hero, " Snipe says.

"Not with the proper guidance," Midnight purrs to her colleague.

Nezu scratches his furry chin as he assets the situation. "It looks as though we have a difficult situation on our hands. It seems to me we only have two options. Either Ms. Y/N chooses a mate or we just consider removing her from the hero course. An unmated omega is a liability for our school, especially with the rise of the League of Villians."

"Who would she be mated with?" Midnight asks.

"Obviously, Todorkoi. He's more level-headed and would take care of her. He also seems less likely to become distracted, " Snipe expresses.

Aizawa shakes his head. "Bakugo and L/N, seem to have a relationship prior to the omega's heat. Not to mention it would cool Bakugo's temper down, and get him more focused to training stronger."

"Todoroki and Y/N seemed to be closer at the dance, I interrupted them in the hallway outside the bathrooms," Snipe counters.

Aizawa rolls his eyes. "I know my students. Bakugo and Y/N have been hiding their relationship and Y/N only went with Todoroki because Bakugo couldn't get over his stubborn nature and pride to date the omega publicly."

The other teachers stare at Aizawa with wide eyes.

"What?" Aizawa yawns, giving the others a raised eyebrow. "It's my job to know everything that goes on with my students."

Midnight shakes her head and smiles. "Anyway, all you big boys should know, let the omega decide who her mate is, " she states with raised hands.

Nezu nods his head and looks to Aizawa. "Since these are your students, I would suggest visiting L/N's parents, have them discuss the situation, and see what she chooses."

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