I waited for the water to get hot then peeled off the uniform and hopped in. I quickly used the shampoo, conditioner and soap., trying to be as fast as possible so I could talk to Keefe.

I turned off the shower, dried off and got dressed in my undergarments I was wearing before and the Batman shirt and sweatpants Keefe loaned me.

He also left the bandage roll with the clothes so I took off the wet ones and replaced them with new, dry ones.

I brushed out my hair with the brush on the vanity, hung up my towel and walked out.

Keefe was sitting in his bed, reading a book. I noticed it as Percy Jackson series and smiled.

"I forgot you're a polyglot now. You can read human books."

Keefe looked up and smiled. My breath caught as the light flowing though the window next to him shown on his eyes, making them glow.He set down his book and tapped his head, giving me permission to go in.

What are you doing here? How did you even know I was here?

I'm not sure how I knew, an image just came to mind and I teleported here. Keefe raised an eyebrow.

Okay, but what are you doing here?

It was getting a little... chaotic back at home. Keefe raised his brow further.

Like, chaotic as in The Great Gulon Incident or Neverseen? 

Like... if you took both of those problems and put them together then multiplied it by twenty you would be closer to how chaotic it is.

Keefe's eyes widened and his jaw went slack. So... what happened?

Well it started when I came home from burning down the Neverseen Warehouse-


Yes, now shush and listen to the rest because it's very long.

Okay so after I burned down the warehouse I came back and saw you letter, after that the Neverseen had been laying low for awhile and Biana and Dex got together and I'm pretty sure Linh and Marella are a couple but I haven't see them i awhile so I'm not sure, anyway so I found out a secret that couldn't tell anyone, the Neverseen showed up and there was a shooting at Atlantis with human guns, I'm not sure who got hurt, after I recovered-

Wait, recovered? What happened?

Did I or did I not just say there was a shooting? Keep up. Anyway, so when Fitz found out I couldn't tell him he got really mad and tried to force me to tell him, but I threw him out and canceled our cognate lessons, which wasn't the smartest decision because he told the council and they tried to investigate me but when I didn't tell the, Mr. Forkle was going to search my mind so I kind of accidentally inflicted on him and bolted but of course, someone had to stop me so Alden ran after me a threw a throwing star at me. I think he was aiming for my arm but I jumped off a cliff so obviously that didn't go as planned. You know the rest, I teleported here, found you and now we're here.

Keefe's jaw has dropped to the ground by now and I almost laugh at how ridiculous he looks.

I have many, many questions.

I have many, many answers but I'm also very, very tired so you are limited to three until tomorrow.

Keefe got right to it. Okay first, what do you mean Fitz tried to force you to tell him? What did he do?

Oh, he didn't do anything that bad, he just held me down so he could read my mind but for some reason he couldn't so... yeah. I awkwardly scratched my neck.

The End of the Roadजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें