"Thank you so much. I do take pride in my kids very much. Your's are amazing too. Gavin is so mature at such a young age."

A sad smile appears on her face. "Yeah, he kind of had to become mature quickly with the cancer and all, his childhood was never normal with all the trips to the hospitals and tests and medication and just...everything." She pauses, looking afar. "I wish I could give him a normal life."

My heart sinks for Janet, I can't imagine any of my babies having to deal with something as heartbreaking as cancer. I would probably lose it myself.

"Hey, it's never too late enough to enjoy the magic that childhood brings. I mean, I'm married to an overgrown kid." She chuckles sweetly. "And I would like to think of myself as one too."

"You really think that?"

"I know it." I grin happily, setting Paris down and letting her run free.

"Even if Gavin could indulge in having fun again constantly, there would be nothing much to be excited about. We aren't the richest or most functional family ever..."

I bring her into a hug that even surprises me. "You don't need money to have fun, I know it may look like that but the most fun times I have are when I'm with my family, just enjoying their presence. It sounds cheesy." I shrug. "But it's true."

She smiles again. "I got to thank you again for this. This is probably the best thing that's ever happened to Gavin besides meeting Chris Tucker, he really looks up to him as a comedian."

"Oh, I love Chris. I swear he's made me laugh so hard, I've peed my pants." We both laugh hysterically. "But seriously, it's no problem. Michael loves your kids already."

This sentence seems to light something inside of her. Janet's personality changes and it's almost like I'm speaking to a different person.

"Do you think we'll be able to stay the night?"

My lips part slightly because I don't really know what to say. We barely know these people and yet they're already asking to stay over? It seems kind of suspicious but I keep my cool.

"Maybe, it all depends on what we have going on tomorrow."

She inclines her head in deep thought before throwing a friendly smile back on her face, looking at the park. I do the same and silently hope all goes well.


"Can we sleep in your room tonight?" Gavin and Star beg Michael while Frank Cascio, who came over for dinner, and I stand there. "My mother said it's okay, if it's okay with you."

Nervousness arises in me quite heavily, I had no problem with Michael sharing his bed with children, however, we've been through this before and look where we ended up last time. Michael always has a hard time saying no to kids, it's his weakness. So, knowing him, he obviously says, "Sure, no problem."

He then unexpectedly excuses himself, pulling Frank and myself to the side.

"She's pushing her kids onto me, guys." He bites his lip anxiously. "They can't stay but I don't know how to tell them no."

Frank immediately offers to tell Gavin and Star that it's a no. I take Michael's hand in mine, he looks tense. "Are you alright?"

"I'm just hesitant about this, I don't want a repeat of the events in 1993." I nod in agreement.

"They really want to stay with you, it's okay with me." Janet says with her eerie smile that I didn't trust.

"Frank, if they're staying in my room, you're staying with me. I don't trust this mother. She's fucked up." Michael says, my eyes widen at the use of the curse word. He must be super worried. I could tell Frank was reluctant to do this but he eventually agreed. "All right, we do what we have to do."

It was smart of Michael to ask Frank to stay in the room with him, in case any allegations do try being thrown in the media , Michael has a real time witness right here.

"I can sleep on the floor too." I butt myself into the conversation, Michael takes no time shutting me down.

"No, it's too uncomfortable. You can sleep with Dede."

I frown, wrapping my arm around Michael's. "I can sleep on the floor for one night, Michael."

He sighs. "Do you really want to?" I nod. "Okay, I'll get the blankets ready soon."

"I'm gonna tuck the kids in now." I step away to be pulled back into Michael's grasp. "What?"

"Paris and Prince can sleep in the bed too, it is huge after all."

I don't see anything wrong with them sharing the bed with the Arizo's so it's fine by me.

"Sure, I'll go check on Dede." I walk to Dede's room, knocking on the door, I'm met with silence so I open the bedroom door, she's sleep comfortably on her bed with a book on her chest and her lamp still on.

Stepping over to her, I kiss and wish her a goodnight, closing the book and making sure to fold the corner of the page and switch the light off.

I shut the door and trail back to Michael's room, Paris and Prince are already sleeping like logs on the bed and the same can be said for Star and Gavin.

Blankets and pillows are sprawled across the floor, Frank and Michael sit there conversing. I shut the door quietly, tip toeing over to them. Sitting myself down, I glance at Michael.

"This is actually pretty comfortable." I smirk.

He chortles with a smile, Frank lays on the other side of the room, shutting his eyes slowly. "Goodnight, Frank." Michael and I whisper.

"Goodn..." His voice trails off, letting us know he's joined the sleeping kids.

"Goodnight, Michael." I press a kiss to his lips.

"Goodnight, my love." He spoons me and we're soon the last to fall into slumber.


okay but this chapter was TEAAAAAA okay i hate myself for even saying that ummmm bye see u guys next chapter

let me love you ~ michael jackson & ariana grandeWhere stories live. Discover now