21 : A will from me to you

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The ceremony ended with gun shooting performance. All of related staff had a goodbye speech for the lost ones, including Mr.J . Remembering all their good deeds either for all of their friends and family and the country.

And of course you gave one too. It was hard for you to talk about Mark and you tried not to cried during the speech. Your voice did cracked a few times, tears kept on falling without realizing it. After you stepped down from the small stage, a lot of your and Mark's friends complimented the good speech. They approached you and hugged you, as if they were trying to give some strengths in you through the embraces. As for Yoongi, he always followed you around but he kept his distance. Well, technically both you and Yoongi didn't announced your relationship publicly yet so you understood why he did that.

"Y/N." Bambam called as he approached you.
He hugged you tightly that you could feel that he was sad too from his tight embrace. From the corner of your eyes, you could see Yoongi stopped talking with his friend. Well, they still talked but Yoongi's eyes laid on you instead of the person in front of him.

"Are you okay?" Bambam asked as he released the embrace.
"So far it's okay... I guess"
He nodded.
"By the way, if you ever wanted sell the house, just informed us. We could find someplace to-"
"It's okay Bambam. You guys don't have to move out. I'm sure Mark would want the same thing." You held his shoulder. He nodded his head a few times.
"Besides.. that house is too big for me to live alone." You continued.
He giggled. "Thank you, Y/N"
"It's okay."

Suddenly you heard someone called your name. You turned around and found out that it was Mr. J.
"Sorry to interrupt but I would like to talk to Agent Tuan for a moment." Mr. J asked Bambam. He nodded and bowed before he left the space.
"Meet me in my office."
You nodded before he left.
You went to the girls and told them that you were going to see Mr. J in his office. They nodded their heads and told you that they'll be waiting you in the lobby.
Then, you went upstairs.

After the iris scan, you went inside. You saw Mr. J stood on the other side of his table full of files. Clean and tidy, but there's a pile of files on the right side of the table. You went near the table and stood in front of it before you bowed to show your respect. Everyone in the company knew how humble Mr. J is.  He's not like any other leader, that's why he bows back to you showing his respect towards his staff.
He pulled his head up from his phone and looked at you as he put down his phone.

"He's a good man, Y/N." He leaned his body by the table as his both of his hands supported on it before he continued.
"Have I told you before that I always keep my promises, Y/N?" He asked as he walked around the table before he stopped in front of one of the shelves nearby. You nodded at his statement. He took out one of the files and walked back to his table.
"I know you're in shocked right now but I think you deserve to know this." He flipped the file opened page by page until he stopped at one of them.
He sighed.
"Some of the agents went to the shooting site. Unfortunately, they found all the bodies of the mission agents except Agent Tuan. They did tried their best looking for him. So, we believe he-" He stopped abruptly.
He just couldn't say it especially when he knew that you were not in a stable state of mind. He pulled open the drawer under his table and took a piece of white envelope out. Then, he walked around and stood in front of you.
"The day before he left for his mission, he asked me to give you something if anything happened to him. I told him to give it to you himself, but he insisted."
He lend you the white envelope that he took from the drawer.
"And this was the promise I made with him."

You were hesitated. You were not sure if you should take it or not.  Of course you know what was it. It's just you were not sure if you were strong enough to read it.
Mr. J took one of your hands full with care and put the envelope in your grip.
"You don't have to read it now. And you need to be strong. Be strong like your brother, Mark." He smiled.

His words strucked your heart and mind. It was warm like a fatherly advices. You can't help it but let the tears flow on your cheeks. Mr. J laid his hand on your left shoulder and held it, projecting his act of comfort.
"Go home. Take a rest. We'll talk again when you are ready." He coaxed.
He walked you towards the door as you were trying to wipe your tears. After the door opened, you saw Yoongi stood outside of the office. You were pretty sure that Mr. J didn't called him. Maybe the girls told him about you. Mr. J nodded after Yoongi bowed and quickly went to you and held your side. He nodded to Mr. J as if they're communicating each other through their minds before you and Yoongi left the office's floor and went to the lobby.

The time when you and Yoongi arrived on the ground floor, you face were already cleaned from the tears. You walked out of the lift, in front of Yoongi, heading to the lobby. A lot of people were standing around, talking to their friends while holding a white paper cup of a small amount of wine. Some of them cried, some of them had an angry expression. Some of them stayed, some of them were already on their way out. You and Yoongi went towards the girls after you saw them in the crowds. Not long after, you left with the girls since they insisted on sending you home. Yoongi did offered his ride, but you declined and told him that he should get rest too. Somehow he acquiesced.

You sat on the couch in the living room after you had your warm shower. The girls went home after you persuaded them to take a rest. They were reluctant at first but then they agreed as they want to respect your decision. It's not like you didn't want any company, but you just felt like you want to be alone at least for a moment. To think by yourself in your own thoughts.

Instead of watching the TV, you just stared at it. You have been thinking a lot since you're in shower about the white envelope that Mr. J gave you.
Only then, you decided to read it because if Mark desperately wanted to give it to you, you bet it's important to him. You took the envelope on the coffee table in front of you and ripped the top open. You took out another piece of paper as you laid your back on the couch. You opened up the paper's fold and read the familiar handwriting.

Dear Y/N,

My beautiful little sis.
How are you nowadays? Do you miss me?
I'm fine here. Better actually.
If you ever received this, it means that I am no longer by your side anymore.
But it's okay. I'm still alive in your heart and in your memories. So does Mom & Dad. So don't be too sad.
Don't cry too much. Or you won't be pretty anymore.

You chuckled although the tears were already flowing. Even then, he still felt like teasing you.

I know I didn't get the chance to tell you this but I'm happy to have you as my annoying sister. I'm so grateful that I had the chance to buy some skirts and make-up so you don't feel left out by your friends. But I'm sorry for not doing it anymore in the meantime and in the future.

I hope that you'll find yourself someone that can take care of you better than I had to you. The one that will buy you skirts and make-up. The one that'll cherish you the most. So that I'm happy to see you from above. And I'm sure Mom & Dad would be happy too.
Don't worry about us. We're not going anywhere.
Perhaps in our next life, I would like to be your brother again so that we're all will be together again.
Therefore, stay strong. Especially for the one that you love.

See you again, my lovely sister.


Now you were sobbing hard. Tears were flowing non-stop. You hugged the letter closer to your chest as if you were hugging him. Although he's not here physically, but the handwritten words are still a part of him.

"O-oppa...W-Why are you leaving m-me? You s-say you'll come back home..." You cried even harder.

"I'm so s-sorry, oppa.. I-I don't know why I'm crying... I'm sorry"

"I'll be strong for y-you, oppa... I will... I'm sorry.."

"I'm so sorry..."

"I'm s-sorry.."

You kept on repeating those words until the next thing you see was pitch black.

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