8 : The dimple

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Yoongi POV

I chose the seat on the corner away from the window. It's not like I hated the sunlight, but I don't want anyone who recognize me disturbing my date- i mean plan. Either a friend or an enemy.


Oh yeah, except this guy. I really need a bit of his advice.

💬 Jin-hyung : Just relax. Be yourself. Asked her about her day or something.

💬 Yoongi : Okay, Jin-hyung. Gomawoyo.

I replied the text and turned off the phone as the waiter served the drinks.

"Thanks." I told him before he smiled and left the table. I looked around and outside the cafe's window to see whether Y/N arrived. After a few minutes, I heard a doorbell on the main door signaling a new customer had entered the cafe. The first person was an unknown aged man but the second person is the one I've been waiting for. She went inside and looked around the cafe searching for a familiar face. She smiled and walked towards the table where I was seating.

"Hey." I greeted and stood up. I was about to go to her side to help her with her seat but she signalled that she can do it on her own.

"Hey. How long have you been waiting?" She asked while settling down on her seat.

"Not long. I have ordered your drink. I'm not sure if you like coffee or not, so I ordered a hot chocolate for you." I scratched my neck unconsciously. Come to think of it, I always does that whenever I'm shy. I can't help it. I hoped that she didn't realize it though.

"It's my favorite. Thank you. And yeah i drink coffee too, occasionally." She smiled before she sipped the hot choc, showing her only right side dimple. Yes, she only had one dimple.

(Geu bojogaen illegal!~)

I smiled and also sipped my drink. I know this sounds typical and cheesy but I just feel like I was already attached to her somehow. Like we're a long lost friends.

 Like we're a long lost friends

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As I arrived at the cafe, I looked around the cafe, searching for Yoongi. There was him. At the corner of the cafe. I sent my smile to him and walked towards the table.

While I settled with my seat, he told me that he had ordered my drink. Hot chocolate. My favorite!

I realized that he scratched at the back of his neck. Was he blushed? Maybe he was shy. Maybe I should ignored it since it'll be uncomfortable for him.

"How's today?" Yoongi asked, starting the small talk. I let my drink down and looking up as if I was thinking hard about it.

"Nahh not much happened. I just got a new work from my boss and met a new colleague to work with. He looks like a funny person though. But I can't argue with his looks. I can't even compete with him!" I said excitedly.

"Haha really? He sounds like my hyung though." He laughed.

"You have a brother?" I asked as I took another sip.

"I do. But not him. He's not blood related but he's still a hyung and a family to me." He replied, while drawing some random drawing on his cup.

"How about you? Do you have a brother or sister?" He tossed his eyes towards me.
Suddenly my face changed drastically from an excited one to a hurtful face. I think he saw it too.

"Sorry for asking." He apologized. Maybe he realized that he asked a sensitive question.

"It's okay." I replied as I looked at my drink.
"Yeah, I have a brother. But he's away settling his works in another district." I opened up. Strangely I could opened up to him this fast. I just felt like he's a person that can be trusted.

"Hey, it's okay. He'll be back. No need to worry." He assured me. I looked up to him and smiled. I nodded. Somehow his words comforted me.


After we paid for our drinks, we walked out of the cafe while laughing as he told me about his embarrassing moment when he accidentally ate a seashell that his hyung fed him because he's too embarrassed. Yeah, we have been talking about our embarrassing moments since Yoongi insisted me to.

After we both started to stop laughing, he asked me about where I parked my car. I told him that I came with a taxi. He offered me to give a lift home. I rejected it at first since I don't want to give him a hard time just to drove me home, but agreed after he said that he'll be worrying about my safety if he let me going home by myself. As flirty as that would be, I had to agree with him since I have to be safe too nowadays. Especially when I know Jongsuk is onto something.

After we arrived, he opened his door and so did I. It's not like I don't like him helping with the door, i just thought that why would I asked him to help me while I could do it myself. It's not like I'm his girlfriend or anyone special to him.

He walked me to my apartment room and waited for me to open my door. As typical as it sounds, but he did turned around when I pushed the button of the lock. He turned back when he heard the door was opened. Just right before I entered my apartment, he called me.

"Y/N, here's your sweatshirt. Thanks for lending it to me." He lend me the yellow shirt I gave to him when I accidentally spilled the coffee on his white shirt. I almost forgot the reason of the 'coffee date'. I smiled and nodded before I took it from him.

"Wait. I wanna return your suit! Come in." I widened the door to let him in. I closed the door after he went inside. He followed me while I walked towards the living room and asked him to sit on the couch while waiting. I turned on the TV before I went to my room to find his coat. After a few minutes, I went back to the living room with the blue coat and gave it to him. "Thanks for the coat." Yoongi stood up and took the coat from me. There's a silence between us for a few seconds before I spoke out.

"Ummm do you want a glass of water?" I asked while pointing the kitchen with my thumb.

"No thank you. I think I'm gonna go now." He said in a polite way.

"Ouhh okay." I replied, a bit disappointed. Half of my heart was sad that he'll leaving.

"I'll text you when I reached home, if you want to." He continued. I guess he realized the change of my voice tone. I smiled at him and nodded a few times. I followed him to the door and he left after we bid our goodbye. After a few minutes, i decided to sent him a text. I laid my back on the sofa as I was texting him.

💬 Y/N : Drive safely.

I turned off my phone and stared at the ceiling for about 10 minutes before I heard a notification sound on my phone.

💬 Yoongi : I will. Have a good rest.

After I read the message, I pulled out the file that Mr. J gave to me and scattered out all the details and patterns. I guess I need to study this for a while.

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