Chapter 6 - Cookies and more bad ideas

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A/N: I am so sorry that I didn't update yesterday!! I just didn't have the time, but at least I can update today ^^" I also wanted to say thank you for voting, that really gives me the motivation to keep going :D I hope you like this chapter and don't forget to vote and comment if you want to ;)

Danny's pov.

Birds are chirping, flowers are blooming, the nice smell of tea and freshly baked cookies enters my nostrils. But I don't really care about any of that. I don't even notice how Desiree calls my name until she taps my shoulder. I jump slightly, looking at Desiree and Pandora. They both look worried.

"Danny? Is everything alright?" Pandora asks me and I nod.

"Yes, sorry. I was just daydreaming." I say and take a sip of my tea, trying to ignore the burning feeling on my tongue.

"Good. If there is anything you want to tell us, you know you can come to us." Desiree says, smiling at me.

"About that..." Pandora begins, but Desiree shakes her head and Pandora presses her lips together.

"What is it?" I ask confused. Did I overhear something?

"I just wanted to tell you... Uhm. The cookies taste really great, did the Lunch Lady make them?" She asks and I nod slightly.

"Yes, she did. I like them too..." I bite into another cookie and I slowly lose myself in thoughts again. But I can't follow the conversation anyway.

It's Thursday, and I sit in the big garden behind my Castle with Pandora and Desiree. We just wanted to have a chat, drink tea together, and all that stuff. We do this weekly but today I can't really focus on anything.

I shouldn't have sneaked out yesterday. I should have visited Walker to see if everything goes how it's supposed to be in his prison, but instead, I went through the Fenton Ghost Portal and visited Casper High. Again. My original plan was to stalk Jack and Maddie to see what they are planning. They talked about some kind of Trip or excursion with a few Casper High students. I couldn't stop myself from going there. Again.

That was probably a bad idea because I wasn't happy at all when I came back. But at least I've got more information about what they are planning.

Flashback, Mr. Lancers English Class one day ago

He flew intangible and invisible through the wall and into Mr. Lancer's classroom. There they were. The people who bullied him, the people who ignored him, and the few people he could call his best friends.

They didn't change much. Dash was still the popular kid. Paulina, the Latina girl he had a crush on for a short time, still wears a ton of makeup and gossips about everyone and everything with her best friend Star.

And then there were his best friends. Sam Manson and Tucker Foley. They both hadn't changed at all. Tucker still couldn't put his beloved PDA away and was the same techno-geek he was when Danny left them a year ago. Though he got taller and slightly more muscular.
And there was Sam... she was more beautiful than before if that's even possible. Her short black hair grew a bit longer and she wore the Fenton phones again he gave her once.

Danny didn't want anything more than becoming visible and hugging his best friends. His throat twisted and hurt at the sad feeling, he misses his two best friends so much, but he can't go back.
He would just put them in danger again. He would hurt them even more than he already did. Now, as King of the Ghost Zone, he can't continue his life in the human world anymore. And he can't continue his career as the Hero he once was.

Who is this guy, he thought as he noticed the brown-haired boy sitting between Sam and Tucker on the seat where Danny once sat. Looks like they already got over Danny and found a new one. He's probably much better than Danny could have ever been. He looked like an excellent student who has great grades and big plans for his future.

Danny could never be like this. He is born to be different. He never fitted in, he always was the outcast. After he got his Ghost powers, he couldn't even concentrate on school anymore. He had enough to do with pretending to be normal, saving the world, and not fully dying. And that was harder than he thought. One of the reasons why he now lives in the Ghost Zone.

Danny already wanted to fly back into the Ghost Zone. He knew he didn't belong here anymore. He probably never belonged here in the first place.
But then he heard how Mr. Lancer announced the big news, the information Danny went for through the Portal again.

"We're going on an excursion to the Ghost Zone!"
Danny's jaw dropped. He knew that these humans sometimes have bad ideas, but this was just ridiculous!

The students began to ask many questions, and Danny tried to listen closely to Mr. Lancers' answers.

"If everything goes right? What if something doesn't go right? This is stupid! We don't even know anything about the Ghost Zone!" Sam whisper yelled to herself, but Mr. Lancer heard her.

"That's why the famous Ghosthunters Jack and Madeline Fenton will guide us through the Ghost Zone and tell us everything they know." This can't get any worse, can it? Danny thought to himself. This was really bad news.

That's it. He couldn't stay here a second longer. He had the information he needed, so he flew out of the High school with a silent motion, not even looking behind. And again, the Ghost King was reminded why he turned his back to humanity.

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