Chapter 5 - The worst idea of the year

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A/N: Heyy what's up? It's me again! Sorry for updating so late today! I tried to update a little bit earlier, but I just didn't have the time. I actually don't have much time in the next few days to write, but luckily I already have a few more Chapters for you. I just hope I can update next week too ^^ Feel free to Vote and Comment, I hope you liked this chapter :D

Sam's pov, one day after Danny visited the human world with Skulker and Technus

"Tucker? Where are you going? We need to go to Lancers class. We have English now." I tell him while giving him a confused look.

"Follow me, Sam. I need to show you something." He says with a serious look on his face.

"Okay... but make it quick. I don't want to have detention."

We go into a storeroom and he shuts the door after we both walk in.

"It's so dark in here, I can't see anything. " I mutter annoyed, hoping he doesn't notice how nervous I am.

"Okay. I know this may sound super weird, but you have to hear me out." Tucker starts and I nod slightly. What is he going to tell me?

"Remember this Ghost kid?" I need to think for a moment before answering:

"I think I know who you mean. The last time he showed up was about 1 year ago.. right?" I slowly begin to remember the Ghost boy. Some people feared him, others wanted to hunt him down and others, mostly the teens of our school, think of him as a hero. But one day he disappeared and since then he never came back again. The people say he vanished because he moved on after fulfilling his duty and now he doesn't exist in our world anymore or something like that. I don't know what happened to him, but after he disappeared forever there were fewer ghost attacks in Amity. There still are some, but not as much as a year ago.

"Exactly. You won't believe what I just found." Tucker says excitedly and points to his PDA. A video clip shows the Ghost boy flying through the hallways of the school and in different classrooms. He looks a little bit different. He changed his clothes, but they still have the same color scheme. Do Ghosts actually need to change their clothes? Oh, and he looks bigger now. Do Ghosts grow? So many questions...

"What... where is this from?" I ask Tucker confused.

"It's from the videocameras they installed a month ago. The clip is from yesterday, which means the ghost boy still around, he just stopped fighting!" The Techno-geek exclaims proudly and awaits my response. I'm silent for a moment, trying to process what I just heard. The Ghost boy is still here? But why didn't he showed up before? Even if there were fewer Ghost attacks, there still are some. The GIW and Fenton Works have to handle those Ghosts alone and we all know they are way too incompetent for that. Did he got captured and somehow escaped now or what? Is he coming here more often now?
So many questions and no answers. Somewhere between all these thoughts are also fear and worries. Why was he here anyway?

"Are you sure this is real?" Tucker nods confident and says:

"Definitely. I got these clips directly from the cameras."

"Mh... but what was he doing here? He didn't show up for one year! Do you think he's up to something?"

Tucker pauses to think for a moment.

"Maybe... he looks like he's searching for something or someone. If we see him again, maybe we can find out more." He suggests then and before I can answer the school bell rings. We both look at each other with wide eyes saying simultaneously:

"We're late for class!"

We run out of the Storeroom and down the hallway to Mr. Lancer's classroom. As we storm into the room everyone looks at us.

"Late again, Mrs. Manson and Mr. Foley?" He asks, giving us an annoyed look.

"We're sorry, Mr. Lancer." Tucker says for both of us and we go to our seats. As I sit down, I feel a weird cold breeze coming from nowhere. Tucker and Tony felt it too, but don't seem to care.

"Where were you guys?" Tony asks us both. He switched to Casper High about 3 and a half months ago. I don't know why he wanted to, but since the first day he asked if he could hang out with us, we're friends now. He sits between us, at the seat where Danny once sat. I miss him so much...

Mr. Lancer clears his throat before he continues talking:

"As I said before, We are going on an Excursion..."

Excited whispering goes around the class and Mr. Lancer tries his best to keep the teens under control.

"... to the Ghost Zone."

All the whispering dies down and an uncomfortable silence fills the room. Great Mr. Lancer, this was the worst Idea of the year. Kwan raises his Hand.

"Yes, Kwan?" Lancer asks.

"Isn't that dangerous?" More hands rise and the talking begins. Again.

"Quiet!" Lancer shouts and the others shut up, except for Dash Baxter.

"When are we going there?"

Mr. Lancer sighs and answers the popular quarterback of the Football team.

"We're going there this Friday. Don't forget to pack everything you need like drinks and snacks. If everything goes right we come back at 4 pm." IF everything goes right? What if something doesn't go right? This is stupid! We don't even know anything about the Ghost Zone!
I must have said my thoughts out loud because Mr. Lancer looks at me and says:

"That's why the famous Ghosthunters Jack and Madeline Fenton will guide us through the Ghost Zone and tell us everything they know." A heavy silence fills the room when Mr. Lancer mentions the Fentons. Not a big surprise, Danny, their son, died last year after all. I still don't believe that. Danny's tough and he never was found! At least... I want to believe he's still alive. But sadly he can't be alive anymore... The Police searched for half a year for him before they gave up. Something deep inside me says that he is still alive, but that's probably just the small part of me that still can't let go of Danny. I have to admit, I had a little Crush on him back then. But I have to stop running after him, he won't come back. That's just not gonna happen.

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