"Vone?" That voice is not the one I remember but one that has hit puberty.. 

My eyes begin to water, "Lazaro!" He runs to me and wraps his arms around me.

"Lazaro.. I- I cannot believe its you.. Look at how big you have gotten! How old are you now? Do you even remember me? You were so young when I left.. I am so sorry Lazaro.. I just-"

"Vone...Vone.  Its okay. And yes I remember little memories here and there.. I'm 12 now.. I left home and have been searching for you for so long.. I am so happy to have finally found you! Your husband found me two towns over with my foster mother and said we will be reunited at your wedding.."

He smile then disappears, "But Vone.. from what I know.. Is he not the guy Mother and Father arranged for you? The reason you-"

I shush him, "We can talk later.. Okay?"

He shakes his head, "Vone, so he is that guy?" I nod, "Yes. Yes. But it is not the time to discuss this..I am just happy to have been reunited with you.. "

"Vone I am too but you left me alone because you were running from our awful parents and him no?"


He steps back, "So you left me.. Only to marry him anyway! Vone.. I was not angry with you.. I have held no resentment toward you because I thought you were running away from a monster.. But here we are at the wedding you so called ran from and left me with those same awful parents you claim to have been sacrificed by?"

I shake my head, "No... You don't understand. It is not like that at all. Listen, we have to do this quickly.. But you must know I am not marrying him because I want to.. I have to Lazaro.. "

His nose scrunches up, "No Vone You don't!"

"Yes. Yes I do.. I am sorry I abandoned you then but I won't do it again.. Okay? I'm sorry I was scared and didn't know what else do besides run.. But I can't run without hurting someone I love and I just can't do it anymore.. Okay?"

"I get it now.. I am part of what he is holding over you?" 

I nod, "Yes. " There was a long pause, "Are you really just going to sit back and be his wife?"

"I can't run anymore.. So ready to walk me down the aisle?"

"I don't want to walk you to the monster you ran away from Vone.."

"Lazaro, I am facing my fears..." He hugs me and then puts his arm out..  "Okay."

The two big French doors open and the music starts to play..  

I look at the end of the aisle wishing it was Dominick at the end of it..  I couldn't help but to imagine it.... 

I was lost in a trace until I felt Jack grab my arm and I turn to see Lazaro sit down in a seat.

Jack takes my hands into his...

I keep zoning out.. I want to be anywhere but here..

"Jack, do you take Yvonne to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?"

My Boss, My Alpha. (In progress)Where stories live. Discover now