step ten

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step ten- talk to him

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step ten- talk to him.

"You're so calm right now," I said to katsuki. "It's because I tolerate you," all I could hope for was that this was true. He wasn't rude to anyone, I think. He's just cold sometimes and needs to get comfortable with the person. it was nice, we were on good terms. "'Suki!" I tried to get his attention as we walked around campus. It was late and not allowed. It wasn't like we were breaking some major rules.

"Remember that time when I accidentally hit Denki while I used super strength?" I laughed at the memory that was re-playing in my mind. "Hah, yeah! Dunce face had to go to the hospital!" katsuki snorted. His smile was growing bigger. Times like this were the good ones. Both of us were happy. "Remember when I hit you with super strength?" I asked him, also recalling one of the recent memories I had. "That shit hurts," he admitted. He looked down/up at me. I really wish I could hear what he was thinking about. "Really? You didn't act like it," I admired the place I hit him. It wasn't bruised. "It hurt, but I won't say it again." "Oh, I thought you were immune or something,"I shrugged with embarrassment plastered on my face. The blush on my cheeks were spreading even more because of his laugh. "immune?!"

"Want to sit down?" I ran to the picnic blanket that was still in the same place as before. "sure," I dragged him down with me, but it didn't go as planned. We ended up with me lying on top of him. It was a little awkward I admit, but it was more like a hug than something weird. "I like you," I confessed. I wasn't sure if he heard me since I mumbled it into his shirt. he pulled me in a bigger hug. The same burned sugar smell was back. "I like you too," he let go of me to finally get sight of my face. "so, what now?" I asked. "I'll ask you first," he decided.

"y/n, I'll just do this fast-" he got cut off by me. "'suki I'm asking you to be my boyfriend," I took his hand. I knew that he didn't like the heart to heart talks, so that's why I tried to make it as fast as possible. Bakugo wasn't please with my decision. He wanted to be the one who asked. "no," he said. "What? Why?" I wined. "because I'm going to ask you, and you just cut me off," he let go of my hand and pulled something out of his pocket. "y/n, be my girlfriend." Okay, it wasn't so heartfelt. But I knew he wouldn't ask me if he really didn't like me. "I'll be your girlfriend," when he heard that sentence co e out of my mouth, he showed me a Burmese ruby ring. He put it on my ring finger. "Is it hand made?" I asked looking at the details. "Yes, I made it," he added. "It's pretty," I said and gave him a quick kiss. He blushed. And I really hoped I could see him like that again.


y/n and Bakugo were laying on the ground. His hand were carefully put around her, he was making sure to not touch her in places she didn't want. It didn't bother her though. "hey! Bakugo! What're you doing?!" Denki was walking to where the couple was cuddling. "Go away!" Bakugo yelled to the dumb teenage boy. "We need help with the food!" "make it yourself!" Bakugo protested. "no we nee-," Denki started, but stopped himself in mid sentence. "y/n and Bakugo, never would have thought," he smirked. "Just wait until the rest of the class finds out!" "we're going to tell them soon. Don't saying anything Kaminari," y/n warned the boy. But nothing stopped Denki from running away from the now angry teens. "What the hell?"

"they're here!" Denki led his class to where the pair was sitting. "y/n! and a boy!" "It's Bakugo!" murmurs we're heard. "y/n turned around at the sound of footsteps in the grass. The wide eyed girl tapped her blond boyfriend on his shoulder. "What!" he saw the class. "Go away!" "Oh my god! They're together!" Mina yelled! "Are you?" she asked. y/n nodded. "They are!"

and that's how their day ended. The list ended good. Maybe it was a good thing to come up with a plan like this, even though Bakugo and y/n ended up of getting together.

Step ten, done ✔️

Step ten, done ✔️

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yeah, just a thank you note next, maybe a little hint for the next book?

Make sure to read it please? i'll take requests for other characters to write about, you can send me a message or comment!

Thank you for reading this book bae😩

Love you ❤️

𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐬 ᝰ katsuki b.Where stories live. Discover now