step three

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step three- let me give him a hug

"Hi," y/n dragged out the 'i', as she jumped up to Bakugo. She really could be annoying. "Leave me alone, you're so annoying," Bakugo sighed and punched his nose. "I know! But that's not the point," y/n tried to get the boy's attention. "Shitty hair!" Bakugo ran up to his friend. He needed to get away from her. Not only 'cause she was annoying, also because he didn't know what this feeling was.

"Mina!" y/n hugged her friend. "I need some help." "With what?" Minas curiosity took over her. "I need to give Bakugo a hug." the girl tried to make a plan, but it seemed impossible. He would never let someone give him a hug. At least not y/n.

"Bakugo!" y/n ran towards him with open arms, signalling that she w aged a hug. The boy immediately understood what y/n was trying to do, so he quickly took a step to the side. y/n didn't see that coming, so she fell on the ground with her face first. The so called 'Bakusquad' could not help, but laughed. y/n pouted at their reaction. This was a situation where y/n would have laughed too, so she did. 'I still have to give him a hug.'

As the day went by, y/n tried to give Bakugo some hugs. But, it didn't work, since he figured out what she was trying to do. He had walked away from y/n the whole day. the teen could not help, but to get sad. She was just trying to befriend him. Maybe she should give up.

y/n was in a bad mood for the rest of the day. Bakugo couldn't help, but notice this. "Hey! Dumbass!" Bakugo walked up to y/n. The girl looked up from her desk, and mumbled a 'hi'. "Why are you in such a bad mood," katsuki's comment sounded kind of rude, but he was a little concerned. y/n huffed. "Can you go away." Bakugo looked at the sad girl with wide eyes. "Fine."

Bakugo was even more annoyed the rest day. What happened with y/n? "Hey! Shitty hair!" Bakugo called Kirishima. "Bakubro! What do you need?" Kirishima asked. "What is it with y/n?" Bakugo nodded towards the annoyed girl. Kirishima couldn't believe what Bakugo said. He never thought Bakugo would ask this, because he never seemed to care. "I-I don't know. what happened today?"

"Well as it seems, y/n has tried to hug you several times, and you have rejected her?" Kirishima asked for confirmation. "Ya," Bakugo huffed as he put his feet on the table. "You don't se what you did wrong?" "No-," Bakugo lied to his friend. Of course he knew. The boy just had to fix it.

"y/n? Are you okay?" Mina asked her friend. "I'm fine," y/n replied plainly. "O-okay." y/n continued walking to the dorms, ignoring the calls from her friends. y/n didn't want to talk to anyone.

After some time of sitting in her room, dinner was called. y/n looked around in her room to see if she had any snacks she could eat instead of going downstairs. As the girl was looking, she saw a bag of chips. "I can probably eat that," y/n mumbled as she reached out for it. When y/n was done with the bag of chips, she heard a knock on her door. Who could it be?

"Bakugo," y/n looked at him plainly. "Can I come in?" Bakugo asked, since he didn't want anyone to see him. "I guess." Katsuki stepped in her room, and when y/n closed the door he opened his arms. "What are you doing?" she asked. "What do you think, dumbass?!" "Are you trying to give me a hug?" y/n's mood switched, and she smirked. "Do you want one or what?!" Bakugo started to get angry. "Chill," y/n slowly hugged him and smiled. "You smell like burned sugar.... or caramel!" "Shut up."

Step three, done ✔️

Step three, done ✔️

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Yeah, this isn't so good.
It's not proofread :/
(Not that the other chapters are🏃‍♀️)

Sorry, I've kinda been tired
and 'off' lately? If that makes sense?
I'll try to update faster?

Bakugo can marry me🤭

Thank you for many reads,
it's only been four weeks!

I'm so happy rn! <3
Hope you liked this chapter!

Love u :)

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