[Operation Proposal!]

Start from the beginning

'Oh yeah! That place has loads and loads of Cor Lapis, we'll surely find something good there!' Paimon exclaims,

'In that case, let's go!' Teucer said, excitedly,

The four of them headed over to Mount Hulao, in search for the perfect gem. After a long time of mining, they found it.

'Woah! This once has such a pretty glow..!' Teucer admires the once Childe dug up,

'Looks like we found the perfect gem.' Childe wipes the sweat off his forehead,

'And I think I know the perfect person who could help us with the ring.' Lumine said,


'Hello and welcome to Mingxing Jewerly! How can I help you?' the shop owner, Xingxi waved,

'Good day, Ms. Xingxi, we would like to get a custom made ring please! We already have the gem prepared.' Lumine said, as Childe pulls out a pouch containing the cor lapis,

'Wow! This is a really pretty cor lapis indeed! Is this for an engagement ring? We can show you a few samples!' Xingxi recommends,

'Yes, we would like to see some samples, please!' Teucer said,

'Okay, little guy, here are a few samples that are not for sale, engagement rings have different types, for now we have a total of five types, The Trillion, The Baguette, The Oval, The Radiant and The Marquise! You can adjust the sizes of the gem, the cor lapis you dug up is quite a big chunk!' Xingxi smiles while explaining the types,

'Ok, Teucer, it's your time to shine! What do you suggest? You're the mastermind here!' Lumine asked,

'Hmm... Doesn't Mr. Zhongli have a geo vision..? I think The Marquise would be good because it is kind of the shape of the geo symbol!'

'Childe, I love your little brother, he's more smarter than you!' Lumine smiles,

'Hey...' Childe frowned, Teucer giggles,

'The Marquise it is then? Good choice!' Xingxi said, 'I'll prepare it right away, it shouldn't take long.' Xingxi immediately started her work on the ring, 'Please do come back soon!'


'Okayyyy what's the proposal plan?' Paimon asked,

'Initiate "Operation Proposal"!' Teucer exclaimed,

9:00p.m. , Near the teleport Waypoint of Mt. Tianheng

Childe and Zhongli sat on the side of the mountain, and admired the harbor lights along with the stars.

'Did you remember that one time, where I called you beautiful by accident?' Childe chuckles,

'Haha.. Yeah... You were quite silly back then..' Zhongli giggles back,

'I'll... take that as a compliment... Anyways, its getting kind of late.. Let's head back?' Childe gets up and extends his hand,

'Hmm... Okay, let's go.' Zhongli grabs Childe's hand to stand up,

Just then, a "Shooting Star" appeared on the sky.

'Oh! Before we go, let's make a wish! Close your eyes and press your palms together~' Childe said,

While Zhongli did so, Childe, that was beside him, kneeled down, and pulled a little box out of his pocket. Zhongli turns around, not expecting what was about to go on, and covered his mouth after seeing what Childe was doing.

'Listen Zhongli... We've been together.. for so long now... And I was wondering if you would like to move on to another level?' Childe opens the little box, containing a very beautiful Cor Lapis ring,

Childe looks at Zhongli who was already tearing up, 'Ajax...' Childe immediately got up and hugged him, 'W-woah calm down-!'

'Yes...' Zhongli muttered while burying his face into Childe's chest, 'I love you so much..' Zhongli looks into Childe's eyes, Childe pecks Zhongli's lips and hugs him again. 'I love you too..'

After Zhongli had calmed down, Childe asked, 'May I?' Zhongli lifts up his left hand for Childe, the ring was a perfect fit, 'Do you like it? I needed to get some help for this ring..' Childe said,

'I-I love it...' Zhongli smiles, admiring his ring, 'I'm glad you like it!' Childe beamed proudly, 'Now...' Zhongli slightly tilts his head, Childe jumps onto Zhongli and pins him on the ground.

'Let's have a a little fun~'


~The End~

'Ms. Lumine? Why are you covering my eyes?'


Yes, this is a sequel to 'Operation ChiLi!', If it's not that obvious already.. Fun fact, my birthday is on March the 12th! Thought I had to mention that cause if you look closely to both Operation Oneshots are on the 3rd Oneshot and the 12th Oneshot which I perposely did for an easter egg.

Unfortunately, the Childe x Zhongli book will be closen soon, but the good news is a new book is coming up! For basically Character x Character oneshots! Who knows? Maybe Chili will make a come back :)

As always thanks for reading, and sorry for any typos or grammatical errors!

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