Chapter Six

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Chapter 6:

I didn't open my computer for the next couple days. I didn't want to be tempted to write MagicLover until I was ready. Everything was bundled up in my head from the last couple of days. Now it was time to head to class for the first time since the fight at the party. I was slowly walking down the halls trying to ignore when everyone would stop talking as I passed. I knew the story about the party had gotten out to the rest of the school, I just didn't think it would feel like this. I entered my first class and everyone became quiet, staring at me. I kept my head down and made it to the back desk to sit by myself.

"Well Hello Mister Whitehall, Glad to have you back with us." My English teacher said as she sat at her desk. "Now everyone please do some independent reading while I grade the tests from last week. Mr. Whitehall do you have yours with you?" She asked and I held it up, she motioned for me to bring it to her so I did. Then went quickly back to my desk.

I loved English. It was the one class that I could get. Reading and Writing was my world. It kept me out of my own mind sometimes and it helped, well it usually did before everything happened. Just then one of the guys from the team turned around in front of me and smirked. I tilted my head to him waiting to see what he was going to say.

"So you got into a fight because you were hitting on another guy's boyfriend. Didn't know we had to hide in the bathroom at practice, thank god they kicked you." Todd, if I remember correctly, laughed. He hardly got any play time because he couldn't even play and here he was talking shit like this. My wolf grew angry and I clenched the sides of my desk so as not to hit the little shit.

"Like I would think any of you idiots are good looking enough for me to even look twice at naked. So you never had anything to worry about like you have no worries that you will have any play time on or off the field Todd." I shot back and saw his face turn red. His fist came up like he was about to hit me when the teacher called him to get out of the class. She followed and could be heard yelling at him out in the hall. I thought it was over until Mike came over to Todd's desk and sat down, turning around to me.

"We didn't kick you off the team cause you like dick Jackson. We kicked you because you are volatile, and if you ever did try anything with any one of the guys at this school we would all kill you anyway so there was never any worry about that. Just keep your head down and we will pretend you are not even here." He told me. I lifted my head and looked at him right in the eyes.

"You and no one else at this damn school scares me Mike. I just want to get through the rest of my time here and leave all of you behind. So don't worry about me wanting to join the team next year, I wouldn't even if you begged me. Now leave me the FUCK alone!" I spat out. He was about to say something else but the teacher walked in and glared at him, making him move back to his own desk. The rest of the day went similar. Guys saying stupid shit about me being gay and not allowed on the team any longer. I let it all roll off me after first class and thanked the gods when I could go back to my room at the end of the day.

I opened my computer to have a couple messages......

MagicLover: I'm a little sad now. It's so romantic how you say you found your heart. The one that makes you whole is what I get from that. It's sad that you can't be with him. Have you tried to talk to him about it? Maybe he feels the same but can't tell you. I tried talking to my boyfriend about what was wrong. He just told me to shut up and leave him alone. His friends say that he just needs to cool off after something happened and I don't know how long that will be. So back to school soon, hope everything goes well for you. I wish I could have time off. Well have to go, have things my family needs me to do.

MagicLover: Is everything alright? I didn't upset you with anything I may have said have I? Boyfriend is still ignoring me and I know I may sound selfish but I was really hoping to talk to you. If I did something wrong can you please let me know so I can fix it. I need to be able to fix at least one thing in my life that makes me happy. Hope to talk to you soon..

MagicLover: Just wanted to say good luck with school today. I don't really know what else to say. I'm still worried I said or did something wrong. Sorry!

Lonelyboy17: I am so sorry Magic........ You didn't say or do anything to upset or hurt me. I seem to have done that to you. I am so sorry for that. I needed a couple days in the darkness of my room and my head so I didn't leave my room or turn on a light or open my computer and I am so sorry I didn't let you know I was going to do that. I went to class today hoping it would go by fast just so I could write you. EVERYONE hates me. They all made that pretty clear. Either because I am gay or because I almost ...... shit..... or because of the reason I got kicked off the team. No one talked to me, they even went quiet when ever I walked by or entered a room. The only people to talk to me were my teachers when they needed something from me. I have to get through the rest of this year and all of next and I don't know if I am going to be able to do that. I have nowhere else to go. I have to go here because it's the only place I can stay. I feel so lost. I am sorry about your boyfriend. He seems like a dick and doesn't deserve you. Also no the guy I was talking about has no idea how I feel and I can't tell him either. He's taken and I have no way to let him know anyway. It's fine. I'll make it through this, like it will make it through everything else on my shoulders. I'm going to sleep. I will write you tomorrow.

Another day down another four months of this year to go. Why the fuck is this my life. Instead of going to bed I went to the school website to see if there were any options for private lessons but of course there weren't any. Just before I was about to get off I saw a link to one of the football players pages and clicked on it. Sneaky little shits posting about a party right on the school site. They were going into the woods tomorrow night for a big party to celebrate the finals victory. They invited everyone that wanted to come from the school and others. I decided I would go and lurk around to see if Caleb would show up. 

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