who stole the cake

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One day Izone was just chilling in their Separate dorms.

I was sitting with Hyewon one day when all of a sudden I heard a gasp from her. I looked over to her weirdly and she said

"Hey y/n, you know how Sakura made a cake right?"


"How bout we eat it?"

"No Hyewon, Sakura worked really hard on that cake I'd rather not."




"mm mm" You shaked your head.

"Think of big,tasty,delicious,fantastic,sugary,Ama-" 

"Ok i'm in, i'm in" Hyewon cheered, "but just the icing ok?" Hyewon nodded

-Time Skip-


"Shhh, come on y/n, one slice won't hurt" She said "You want some?" She offered

"No, I'll only taste the icing, I'm not greedy like you" I tasted the and gosh it felt like I was in heaven, I had no idea Sakura was this good, I took a whole slice and then looked over to Hyewon who was smirking.

"Who's greedy now?" She said

oops hehehe.

"quick now let's run before we get caught" Hyewon said.


Everyone was gathered in one dorm. When suddenly

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" we heard a scream coming from the kitchen.

"What's going on there?" Yujin asked

"I don't know" Yena said. Chaeyeon came back running from the kitchen

"Someone stole 2 slices of Sakura's cake!" Chaeyeon shouted. Yena,Yujin,Eunbi and Nako all went to see what was going on. me and Hyewon made eye contact. I looked away and went on to your phone, trying not to seem as suspicious as possible, Hyewon watched tv. 

"It was you wasn't it" someone whisper into your ear. I flinched and turned my head only to see that it was Yuri.


"It was you, the one who stole the cake" She said

"pfft, what makes you say that" You said

"Your Nervous" She said with confidence

"I don't know what your talking about" You said looking away

"Don't play dumb, I've known you for years now, I know all your habits, especially when you get nervous" She said. Oh no how could I forget, I shouldn't of sat near Yuri. "But don't worry I'll keep it a secret, with a deal" Here we go again

"What 's the deal then?"

"You tell me who else ate the cake and I'll let you off" She said

'how does she know 2 people ate it' you thought

"Hyewon" Y/n said without hesitation 

"Wow, that quick?"

"Mhm". I went up to Hyewon to tell her that  Yuri knows we took the slices, Hyewon looked over to Yuri in shock, Yuri waved and winked. Hyewon started blushing. I looked at her confused. "You two got something going on?" I asked

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2021 ⏰

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