Just then Louis entered the room and hugged both of them.

Liam didn't say anything after that. He just smiled and told Louis that he was ok.

"You sure? I can stay with you tonight" Louis offered.

"No need, I'm not a baby" Liam laughed.

Louis was happy that he was fine. He knows that his father's words hurt Liam a lot.

"No, you're my baby brother" Louis said breaking the hug.

"I'm fine Lou, just had a moment, that's all" Liam said.

"Ok, Haz, do you want me to drop you home?" Louis asked Harry.

"No, I can go alone, first I need to talk to Liam" Harry told him.

"Talk about what" Louis inquired, raising his eyebrow.

"It's our 'bestfriend' secret, you need not know" Harry said, wrapping his arms around Louis' neck and kissing him.

Liam turned around, he still felt shy whenever they kissed.

"Are you guys done? Or will you take this to your room?" Liam asked, when they didn't stop kissing.

"You can look baby bro and take lessons. They're really beneficial" Louis chuckled.

Both Harry and Liam turned red.
"Stop it, Lou" Harry mumbled, hiding his face in Louis' neck.

"Ok, you both talk now, but meet me before you leave" Louis said giving a small peck on his lips.

"Goodnight baby bro" He told Liam and left.

"Now, spit" Harry said to Liam, making himself comfortable on his bed.

"Spit what?" Liam asked, trying to be oblivious to his question.

"You know what. Why were your cheeks so red when you came?" He asked.

"Nothing happened" He shrugged and sat next to Harry.

"You can't lie to me, you know. Come on tell me, pleeeease" Harry made a pouting face.

Liam couldn't say no to that face.

"Fine, geez, you spend too much time with Lou, you are becoming like him day by day" Liam laughed.

"I've no problem with that, and enough about me, you, mister, talk" Harry said tapping Liam's nose.

"Umm, I-I kissed his cheek" Liam  whispered, looking at him.

Harry was silent for a good one minute.

"Who are you?" He suddenly asked smirking.

"Where is my shy and nervous Liam, who wouldn't talk to his crush normally without stuttering? What have you done to my innocent bean?" He asked teasingly.

Liam hid his face in his hands. Even he didn't know what came over him when he kissed him. Though it was just a kiss on the cheek, it was a huge deal to him.

"Stop it! That's why I didn't want to tell you anything" Liam said.

Harry was just laughing at a miserable Liam. " But seriously why did you kiss him?" He asked.

"As a thank you?" He said, it was more of a question.

"Thank you for what, may I ask?" Harry asked him.

"For saving me from Jack, standing up for me against Connor and agreeing to become my partner for the competition" Liam said.

"So there was no other reason for you to kiss him?" Harry asked again.

Love you till Infinity(ziam) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon